Please fix the brokers, this is ridicoulus.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dianatique, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    All you have to do is watch the broker or play the broker game for about a week and you will start to see the average price of certain items. You see where someone will come in everything up and drop one item back into the broker @quadruple the price. Heck, there are leagues that do this too. No just a single person.
  2. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    If it means fixing the economy and losing 10s of billions, im in favor of drastic measures like making cash account bound then wiping every account down to 5mill. Even 5mill is too much imo. Things should not be sold for millions let alone billions. The last "fix" didn't do anything at all. While we are at it, make all TC items account bound. Burn it all and start again. It is the only way
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This is why it should be some kind of new, vanity item. Like a title, or inconsequential accessory. Like "Stupid Rich" or "What gold sellers?" or a 'Dollar signs' accessory. Those that have 100s of billions and already bought everything else, can dump some money at they can flex. Those that can't get them....meh. And putting OG in a vendor just to spite those who it would is probably NOT the best reason to add one.
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The problem is that you can't take it all unless there is a way to ID it. Real counterfeit money is 'different' in some way, like it does not have the security strip in it, is made from the wrong paper or ink, does not have a watermark or whatever else is done to make counterfeiting harder. Eventually all the dirty money can be found and removed, some of it at the expense of innocent bystanders. However in game 1 dollar of cash looks like every other dollar of cash. If you have a pile of 1 billion of those same dollars every one of them looks exactly the same as someone who has a pile of 100billion of them. So there are really only 2 options to 'fix' the issue. A flat wipe for every account to 0 (the option that was not chosen), or a partial wipe (the 'tax' that was chosen). Obviously taking the first option and wiping everyone to 0 would have wiped all the dirty money, but it would wipe all the 'clean' money too. While that's 100% effective, it would be pretty unfair to the majority of the players who did NOT glitch or really take advantage of the huge spike in money. The tax was also unfair to those same people, but less so...but it left a lot more money in game, especially as most money glitchers had already re-distributed much of their wealth to other accounts, including hordes of hard goods that immediately would ahve been selling for the 'most' money in game even after a 0 wipe. The end result of either action was tht the people who were the biggest offenders were back on top right away. 1 billion or 1 million, it makes no difference if you have the goods to resell and rebuild your 'fortune'.

    The biggest mistake made during the cleanup was anyone who was 'caught' should have been perma banned OR if being let back into the game, should have been done so penniless and with no inventory/bank stock other than account bound items. That's not the case as I know some people who had the vacation and came back unscathed.

    Now...if you have some way to differentiate between the 'clean' and 'dirty' money in game, by all means....let DBG know.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I also move a lot between several accounts. Not once have I ever charged one of my accounts for the items I send them. I also use a private league bank for all it's 140 slots to store and share my own goods...again free of charge. Now as we are 2 guys that do this, do you think other people also do this? I'd guess yes...I'd guess a lot (even if they don't personally have multiple accounts, they probably have a friend or 2 in game they share with).

    So in stopping this valuable, useful utility...for all those did it help the economy?

    Also, assuming you are someone who still wants to sell your goods (you have tons of likely) and you feel that it's worth 5 billion for example, what's to prevent you from listing 4 soders for 999,999,999 and having someone buy them, then putting the item up for 999,999,999 for the last purchase once your buyer has purchased them? In either case the 'bad' seller has made his 5 billion and the 'innocent' buyer has probably been set up for a scam as the item was never listed...or listed and sniped by someone else.

    Cause like it or not...that's how it would go.
  6. FrankZappa Well-Known Player

    I always break the broker. i undersell everyone and sometime purposely sell items at a lower price to drive the prices down. if no one buys their stuff then they will have to resell for less. the broker is ultimately in the hands of the players and it should be that way if you ask me.
  7. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    No need to let them know. They know how to track the dirty cash. It's obvious. They didn't want to put forth the effort and or Sony told them to back off. I have a strong suspicion SONY told them to back off. Just like any other exploit since the pc/ps server merge. They've all been PSN exploits and all of the PSN players get a free pass. SSDD

    All the devs had to do was go through the offenders accounts and sort through the transactions but we all know that didnt happen.

    At this point I could care less. I just hope the new owners tell Sony to take a hike when the next exploit happens.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ok, so once they knew there WAS an exploit, maybe they could have tracked it (and I think the cash trade/broker shutdown came WAAAY too late), but until they knew about it I doubt they were logging every cash transaction in game. While I will agree that many people got a pass that should not have, there were plenty of people on PC taking advantage of the issue buying and selling cash, to say it was strictly PSN is kookie. Not to mention the fact that speedhackers and gold sellers are almost exclusively PC and those are still happening today, and going uninterrupted. I doubt SONY is pressuring anyone to let all that slide....maybe it's Steam there...or is it some other boogyman?
    • Like x 1
  9. Apple iPanda New Player

    Broker is fine, but ill buy it for you since I'm sitting on 84 billion. Send me a private message for my name in the game.
  10. L T Devoted Player

    You only think that's working. In reality, they are the ones buying your stuff and relisting it immediately at a higher price. If something's really in demand, you can't artificially force the price down unless you have an enormous stockpile.
  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    A bunch of questions come to mind:
    Why would Daybreak go to Sony with this information in the first place? From how it was explained that PS exploit involved a broken in-game feature not found on PC. So why alert Sony for something that doesn't directly involve them? The bug was also found on XB but had not yet been exploited as on PS.

    Does Sony have a say to protect its cheaters customers? And if so, does Daybreak even have to listen?

    In this kind of situation Daybreak stands to lose a lot more than Sony from punishing cheaters.
  12. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Don't sit there trying to deflect the fact that PS players are the ones exploiting every time. LoL
    I mean, it obvious why it happens. The game and DLC's are built on pc. There will always be issues because its developed on pc and moved to PS.

    I reported and directed support to more than a couple. The first one was a money glitch that was still happening on PSN right after pc/ps merge. The TC one, the shimmer and one other bonus shiney (I even had a dev send me a pm one day asking if pc could do the exploit) & the last money exploits.
    Daybreak didn't go to Sony.
    The players that were going to get banned went to Sony.
    Just like how Daybreak makes cash indirectly from gold sellers. Sony stood to lose money and customers from the bans and money wipe that should have happened.....stinking phone xD

    All Sony had to say was we're going to lose customers and if you ban hundreds of our PSN players we'll remove DCUO from PSN all together.
    Do I know this happened. No but.......
    Games do not unban hundreds that were banned for cheating because they feel like being nice.

    Edit #50 lol
    I hate typing on phone
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I wasn't. Whenever there has been a major money printing glitch (mail duplication, trade duplication) PS players have always been the culprit.

    Again what exactly is Sony supposed to do for these cheaters? Both Sony and Microsoft have very strong stances against cheaters and hackers. You can argue they stand to lose customers but that's unlikely seeing as Sony only loses customers if PS players drop the PS for another console. So if someone gets caught cheating on one game and gets banned from that one game what are their options:
    1. Purchase/play a game on existing console. (Sony keeps a customer. Daybreak loses a customer.)
    2. Purchase a new console to purchase/play games on. (Sony loses a customer. Daybreak loses a customer.)
    If I were to get banned from DCUO today, I'm not going to suddenly run out and buy an XBox or Switch. I'm going to delete DCUO from my PS and purchase a new game from the PSN Store. Sony still has me as a customer, they lose nothing.

    Be realistic. Sony isn't going to spite thousands of players because a handful got caught cheating. Even in your example if Sony did stand to lose customers why would Sony kick off the rest of the population that wasn't cheating?
  14. Mo Kenway Well-Known Player

    Procceds to put up Negative Speed Force for 1 bil