Please fix Ice Elemental SC... :\

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by LanternEX, Dec 5, 2016.

  1. LanternEX Level 30

    It never works!! I only use it for the damage bonus, but recently I've noticed whenever I use it on a boss (like the holiday event), my character glitches EVERYTIME. The loadout will change like it should, but I don't transform and become disabled to where all I can do is jump till I die or the fight resets...
    Please look into this.
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  2. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I'm not currently ice, but I'm still seeing it being used in content just fine. Could you maybe give some more details or provide a video?
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  3. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I've been having a similar issue with Nature's transformations. On PS3 US. If I'm in Insectoid form and get knocked out, I am supposed to revert back to normal form. This has not been happening. From my perspective when I am picked up, I am in still in Insectoid form and I am unable to use my loadout, weapon attacks or even block/dodge roll. Sometimes all basic movement is disabled (walking, jumping, etc.) From everyone else's perspective I am in normal form. Switching armories, opening the UI, waiting it out or a combination of these sometimes fixes this. Other times if I am picked up and switch back to Insectoid form, my loadout changes but I remain in normal form and cannot move or use my loadout. I have a league mate on PS4 who uses Ice Elemental and he's been having the same issues.
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  4. loupblanc Dedicated Player

  5. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Happens with the atomic Aura too. Sometimes I'll have an Aura up for an entire run even after I die or between add groups