please devs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by zeohn, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. zeohn New Player

    Can the devs, anybody at DCUO Fix the dcing problems 18 dc in 4 min. SOMETHING MUST BE REAL WRONG
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  2. zeohn New Player

    I'm playing on the ps4 us server
  3. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    Maybe its your internet connection
  4. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Not everywhere is stable on the PS4. When doing Ops my whole grouped dc'ed at least twice each.
  5. NeoXeon New Player

    I play on PS3. I know were ur coming from, only in Veng and Dawn. This happens every week everyone dc at least once. Thats why im not looking forward to the DLC9 operation.
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  6. Archangel Rafael New Player

    get a computer. problem solved.
  7. Gunny New Player

    I doubt anything can possibly be done about DC's until at the very least, the game is exclusively PS4, and after enough alterations are made on the PS4 itself.

    Even then, it may not resolve the problem.
  8. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Be sure to post your issues in the Technical Support section so a CS can get this looked at. It might be your internet connection, the PSN or in fact the game itself but CS will get the matter looked into.

    Incorrect phrasing, the game is for PS3 and PC so its not exclusive to the PS4. If referring to the DisConnects, they happen everywhere too from time to time :)
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  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Im on ps4 and still no problems, maybe its your connection.
  10. Gunny New Player

    Talk about unnecessary corrections...

    If you're really looking to be that technical, yes...its not exclusive.

    HOWEVER, the PROBLEM being discussed here does not involve the PC game. Furthermore, the PC game and the PS3/4 servers are entirely separate. Since the problem doesn't regularly involve PC....It was not exactly something that needed to be pointed out in my post.
  11. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Its how I read it and just feared players were going to get confused, no diss meant. But as a PS3 owner and after playing the PS4 over at my buddies place all day on his DCUO client, we suffered no lag or disconnects. Always check your internet connection folks and always remember, it might just be the PSN which the Devs cant do anything about. But always remember to post any Disconnect issues in the Technical section of the forum :)
  12. zeohn New Player

    I have one , I just can't with the keybord .
  13. BigAl Devoted Player

    Sad to say, with free PSN, you get what you pay for.
    I can't either. That's why I use my 360 controller.