Players Known to be Consistently Kicking Players to Bring in Friends

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tykes Rule, Sep 25, 2018.

  1. Tykes Rule Level 30

    Hi Everyone,
    I was in an Lpve Instance. These 2 Players kicked someone to bring in a friend. I asked if they just kicked him only to bring in a friend. The one that came in smugly said Yes. Then they kicked me for asking.
    I mentioned this to several league global chats I'm on. Several people on several different chats told me 2 of them are known for doing this CONSISTENTLY. I looked up their leagues. I'm guessing since they all 3 of them had 429 skill points, that they spend a lot of money (at least to get the 10 or so time capsules ones). So they make a lot of money for the game. If I put in a ticket, will anyone even care? Does anybody care?
    Just a note: Being a high level character in a game doesn't mean you have Any character. If you treat others like garbage, you are a loser. Plain and Simple. Putting the game before people is just sad. You aren't acting like a member of the Community.

    (I know when I queue I'm taking my chances. I know I can put them on ignore. All that good stuff. Thanks)
    (I also have over 400 sp. before anyone thinks my issue has something to do with that).
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  2. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Still not agaisnt terms of service i think
  3. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Ticket won't do anything it isn't against any rules unless you take a loose meaning of them.
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  4. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Add them and anyone in that league on your ignore list.
    Type in the league name and go to town. After doing that you will not have to deal with them again.
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  5. Brav Well-Known Player

    Hello Developers,

    I believe an update to the voting system will help with this issue. There are players who abuse the current system setup because they can. The current system doesn't account for each player and automatically accepts after the initiator and one voter. A new system should be put in place which gives everyone in the group a chance to participate and be apart of the final decision.

    This has been brought up a few times before and I believe something should definitely be done to address this matter so that the system can no longer be taken advantage of by anyone. (A general concept - Update Vote System).

    Please developers consider making some changes/updates to the voting system. Thank you.

    Sincerely: Brav
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Not against terms of service, pretty douchey though.
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  7. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Actually it is, its a form of trolling/bullying.
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You can report it. If it's a regular thing with these guys and if they've been reported before, a GM might side in your favor. If they haven't been reported, at least their accounts might get flagged.
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  9. dresserball Dedicated Player

    It's a very loose term of it. Its not like they invited you into the group then kicked them. When you pug it can get ugly
  10. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Still trolling you cause have q'd with that player before u q'd.
  11. Proxystar #Perception

    TBH it would only constitute trolling through their admission they kicked them to bring a league mate, if they'd just done it and said nothing you'd have nothing on them irrespective of whether you suspect the reason.
  12. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Yes. Please change the voting system so that during boss fights kicking is not possible! players abuse this too much!

    And: I have seen it before how powerful the ignore list can be. On EUPC it caused a player to quit his character. If you piss off a large enough amount of the playerbase, you will not find groups for raids anymore. The problem is that it is very slow and can take months to have a significant impact in large populations. Before these players start to feel any consequences, they will already have made hundreds of other players angry.
  13. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    As other ppl have said its not and if it is its very loosr
  14. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    Just ignore and not have to deal with them again. This is where DCUO's ignore system needs a complete update. It should be account bound not by toon. The current system just favors trolls. Fail DCUO devs.
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  15. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    I have to admit, I am a little surprised by the comments here on this topic.

    For starters, yep, I have kicked people from my group just to bring in league mates, many, many, times.

    In fact, it used to be a fairly common practice of mine. As a former league leader, I felt I was partially responsible for helping my league mates get into content I knew they needed. When I would see members log in, I would invite them to come and join our raid party, which typically would consist of almost entirely of league mates, and perhaps one or two pugs tops.

    Normally, I would try to do it prior to actually starting the content, you know, you warp in, see a member log before the fight actually starts, so you offer an apology to the person about to be kicked, and then invite the member before the instance starts, but there are exceptions.

    If the raid was close to being over, sure I would usually wait until the next raid to pick the league member up, after all, whats the point in getting half a raid, especially if it is at Tier...? I always attempted to be as nice an pleasant as possible to the individual being kicked. Apologize to them, explain that we are a league and we like to play together as a league.

    In defense of those that still do this (note to all: I am no longer a league leader, forming groups, and controlling who is/isnt in the group falls on my shoulders a lot less frequently these days...) those same individuals who are puggin, can leave my group at any time, there is nothing I can do about it, even if they are critical to the groups success.... This is equally as frustrating as being kicked, especially during low population periods.

    Although the majority of my runs consists of my league mates, I can relate to being kicked, especially when trying to pug as a fire tank back when fire was basically broken and in need of great attention. There is little that is worse than being kicked, especially if no explanation as to why...

    Oh one more thing, those one or two pugs in my league runs, provided us with lots and lots of members over the years. They would see the full (or almost full) league run, with us chirping on mic, having a blast, and yeah they'd wanna join...
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  16. dresserball Dedicated Player

    We can go on and on about what you consider trolling. Like people not playing support roles, not doing enough damage, not doing mechanics, running ahead of the group, talking on trade chat while in an instance, ect

    You probably get my point. It is really subjective and trolling is hard to find a line in the gray area.
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  17. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Actually, loose or not, it's still in the category of trolling/bullying. I can see kicking only if situations like....a healer who doesn't heal but rather tries to DPS in healer role, or a controller who only uses weapon attacks and doesn't debuff or give power, or even a DPS who is around 247CR and only does 800k damage while the others are around 2-3-4+ mil after 10 minutes and the team is struggling through content. That last one I'm not advocating kicking weak toons b/c their weak. My eyes, if your trying and participating and accepting criticisms and suggestions, then you belong on a team. But if your hiding, not doing anything, or just the bare got to go.

    But kicking b/c you want a friend or a leaguemate to join That is abuse of the kicking system. And abusing a system in favor of you and in essence hurting someone else b/c you can is a form of bullying. That is against the TOS.
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  18. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Sorry, but I disagree. The kick feature is available, and can be used for any number of reasons, or no reason at all for that matter, its certainly not trolling or bullying, IMO. The individual kicked for example, rarely if ever will hear from the group that just kicked them unless the kicked individual start mouthing off at the individuals that just kicked them.

    A kick is a single shot to the chest, quick, painful to ones ego perhaps, but its not abuse, there is no ill will, or harm intended in most circumstances.

    I've seen it used to get rid of "bad players" mostly, the ones you describe above. I actually despise this kick reason the most because you really don't know the struggles of the individual on the other side. 92% of people that suffer from some type of impairment, play video games for example. 92%. That's a very high percentage, and indicates we probably have a large population on DCUO that fall into this category. My league has had a few impaired individuals in it over the years, as well as older players who perhaps aren't as nimble with the hands and fingers as they once were, and yes, we supported them just as much, if not more, than the players who struggled less just playing the game.

    Personality conflicts is probably second most cause of being kicked. Everyone loves to dump the jerk who thinks hes gods gift to the rest of us.

    The last reasons to kick, is probably what this thread is about, players electing to play with someone other than the random individual in the group. You cannot force individuals to play along someone they don't know over someone they do know, well I guess you could, but I would think it wouldn't be the expected outcome. For example, if no kick was available, my league would simply walk out of the instance, leave group and form a new one without the random pug, leaving him stranded in a instance without anyone by their side.

    Trying to force players to play, act, and behave a certain way, is never a good idea. Sure you want individuals do these things, but it should happen naturally.
  19. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    The only advice I can give you, is don't take it personal. If you are going out for a night on the town, would you rather go with someone you know and like, or spend the evening with a complete stranger, that could be, and probably is, a jerk...?

    If you looked up their league, found their skill points, asked other players about them, and then posted a thread, well you have already spent too much time worrying about it my friend. Move on, you yourself will be better off for it.
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  20. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    I never said kick was a bad system. Its when it's abused is the problem. And the devs made TOS guidelines to direct how players should be. Kicking someone out of an instance at last boss for no reason other than a leaguemate or friend is on, that is abuse. You can run it again with your leaguemate or friend. Kicking someone out b/c you don't like them is abuse. If you put them in your ignore list, you will not even be qued up with them again. If you see a healer not doing their job, and you call them out, you should not be kicked for voicing that.

    There are abuses to the system. Now if you see someone standing around, or a high cr dps following the group but not contributing, yes, I'll kick them. I don't carry people. They have to actually participate and follow instructions and mechanics. It still amazes me how many times people doing get the cogs in HIVE Reborn raid at the deathstroke fight and complain it takes too long. Or in Starro raid, noone wants to stop DPSing to get the bombs in the Manta fight.

    I'm not saying the system itself is bad, but it does get abused. And the abuse (not use) of a system at the detriment of another player is bullying.