Plasmic aura

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Clip, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I get that you aren't complaining, but 'what if' you made it to $300 without one? Some people are getting it for $20. I honestly don't think the Devs thought through the 'animosity factor' that this would create. Sure, you went in with open eyes, but would you have bought all those tokens today otherwise? It's good that you are not complaining, but a little groaning and not sitting for a while is not out of order on this one....

    I may buy a 2nd bundle on an Alt toon and that's it for me. I think the bundle is a fair deal, as I use some of the stuff in it. But it should have been obvious that many people will not see it as fair - the bundle items don't co-relate with a rare aura...

    It's unfortunate that this sale will be very successful. It sets a precedent for another sale with a 'lottery item' that I might really want....
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  2. insinceremelody New Player

    Just to add a little humor to this thread, there's a guy on USPS3 trying to trade a plasmic aura for a Next plan.
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  3. BlueVariable Committed Player

    lol, are those worth $30M? Cause that's how much at the very least they are being sold for at the broker.

    I know the devs thought this was a good idea because of the other supplies adding into the roll are worth more than the $20 people are spending on this, but many don't care about those extra supplies. My extra 5 vault tickets did me no good overall so my aura was a bust and my vaults were a bust, aside from getting a little extra cash and a few extra MoT which really are just drops in the bucket at this point, the radars are the only thing of value to me, but I would have rather purchased a bundle of those for $5 rather than the $20 for all the extras.

    Honestly, this probably could have gone better. Possibly with two bundles, one with the $20 value items, and one for a $10 value. I, along with many others, could have saved some money that way and still provided the developers with enough funds coming from it.

    Admittedly I rarely get grumpy over DCUO, been a pretty staunch defender of their game, but for some reason, this is the first time I've felt a bit taken. It was my responsibility to understand what it was I was purchasing yes, but I feel like as a consumer, we are much more vulnerable to marketing tactics that wave a carrot in front of our faces promising a chance at something.

    I still don't see this as having been "unethical" as has been expressed earlier in the thread, but I do think it took advantage of our wallets. I mean some people spent over $100 on this and still didn't get the aura. I think at the very least people spending that much should have been guaranteed the new aura, I mean that's dedication to the game that the devs should be rewarding.

    Yes, we will see the aura much more in game later of course, as we normally do with new elements being introduced to the game, but this initial period of bundling a "chance" for that aura at the price it was set at, I can safely say was not the best idea the marketing department has had up to now.
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  4. BigAl Devoted Player

    Considering how I got my SC thru 2/3x SC deals, I don't consider the 4k I dropped to get my new aura much more than $5 in RL cash. Cheap, and now I'm stylin' :D
  5. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    A friend of mine bought two bundles and got two auras. Sold one for 80mil and used the other.
    However, another friend spent 100 dollars and got nothing. I usually support you guys when new things hit yhe marketplace but this Aura box is horrible.
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  6. Sylo Committed Player

    I pay a monthly fee for randomness, not going to pay extra for more randomness:D
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  7. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Did someone say they spent over $200 dollars on the boxes ? Well good sir or madam I have a deal that a upstanding individual such as yourself would be remissed to pass up I have a one of a kind bridge in the fine hub of Brooklyn I can let you have fo a small sum of money .
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  8. IThe PatchI New Player

    Pro tip:

    Bought the box and got a purple aura? Use half of the Radar enhancers you got on good collection farming spots. Find some good stuff (superboy, class a, clark kent metro, etc), sell on the broker (lots of people with loads of cash from selling the auras) and buy a plasmic for yourself. Easy peasy
  9. Ken Silverback New Player

    You know... I am glad that they are doing this. It's different. But is this what really sells? How about NEW CLOTHING STYLES? Like female hair which has been asked for... for years. Or more other clothing options? I mean people have wanted more "Superhero esque" gear. I know quite a few people who would like a "Fantasy Pack" or a "Sci-Fi/Alien" pack of skins, styles and clothing.

    Sure, DCUO has done great with Weapon styles... but that's all we've gotten in 6 months easy. What was the last style we got? The Fireman Suit? Scuba Suit? Maybe the Goth Leggings. I would easily spend tons of SC on that then on this Booster Bundle.

    I know it sounds like complaining and it probably is. But I'm sitting on over 20000 SC and would like to use some of it. A Booster Bundle isn't doing it for me. If SoE is going to here me anywhere, I hope it's here.
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  10. Straynger New Player

    2 boxes opened, 2 blue auras. I'll probably open 1 more, and if I don't get the plasmic I'll just unsubscribe for 4 months to get my money's worth.
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  11. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

    Not sure if you saw, but the Booster Gold Bundle is also in the Loyalty Vendor for 2000 Loyalty Points :)
  12. BlueVariable Committed Player

    Perhaps I have missed something important, but this is the first time I've ever even heard of the Loyalty Vendor or Loyalty Points. Is this on both PC and PS3? Where is the vendor? How do you get loyalty points?
  13. Cataclyzm New Player

    Vendor is in the police stations and night clubs. You get loyalty points once a month if you're a subscribed legendary member.
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  14. BlueVariable Committed Player

    How did I not know this? I've been subscribed for a long while now, wonder how many I've accumulated?
  15. Cataclyzm New Player

    Lol idk but they've been around for awhile now. I'm sure you have a lot of points saved up though cuz they don't expire or anything luckily.
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  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    To clarify, Loyalty Points are for PS3 only. PC players get 500 Station Cash per month of Legendary, while PS3 get Loyalty Points since they do not use the Station Cash currency.
  17. darkmoon caverns New Player

    If anything this post has given me my lolz worth. Why would you waste 60 dollars on an aura that isn't even guaranteed when you can buy it from someone in the game?
  18. BlueVariable Committed Player

  19. Tule New Player

    Purple Aura. You hear the horror stories but you just don't ever expect it to happen to you..


    Are the radars going to be tradable? Would like to use the collection one on a different character. I saw the Mepps reply that he saw the suggestion.
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  20. Luthia1281 New Player

    Collections themselves are tradable and there is no feat attached to picking up nodes, so not sure why this would be an issue. R&D scanners I could understand people wanting them to be tradable or at least account bound since there is a feat attached to collecting bits.
  21. Wildfire New Player

    Hahaha, i dont know why i found this so funny it was just perfect. bravo good sir! :D