Phoenix Material Collected but not appearing in Style Tab

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by White Wash, Nov 18, 2016.

  1. White Wash New Player

    I recently collected the phoenix material on my character Hundred Million. I was enjoying the look of it but needed my PvE loadout so I used my armory. When I went into my style tab and attempted to place the material back onto my character, it did not appear in my inventory. I have exited the game and switched characters, yet nothing seems to be working and the material is now gone from my style tab and inventory completely.

    I have submitted a ticket and am attaching some screenshots of the feat and completed collection from the character, as well as embedding a video of me scrolling through my materials and Phoenix not being there.



    Please respond asap
  2. White Wash New Player

    Logged in this morning at around 10:15AM, hoping that the hotfix would have fixed this issue but I am still without my phoenix material. Is this a bug? Or is it really working as intended and I can only use the material once. Disappointing to have my reward day 1 only for it to disappear because of unchecked glitches.
  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Can you confirm your character's name?
  4. White Wash New Player

    Yes, Character name is Hundred Million. USPC server.
  5. White Wash New Player

    Here's a screenshot I just took of my character to confirm it's mine.
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We have identified the issue here and are working on a fix. You do still have the material on your character, and will be able to use it once we have the fix in place. Sorry for the inconvenience, but thank you for the early report!
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  7. TarHeal New Player

    I'm having same problem character name is TarHeal, equipped Phoenix material and put on character to see it, changed armory to healer and now can't select Phoenix material anymore, I'm assuming this is a known issue by now, it looks awesome and I paid $$$$$ to get it would love to be able to use it again.
  8. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Hey devs you got an eta for this patch? Already almost 3 days and no fix.
  9. Nodens Dedicated Player

    You might not want to hold your breath for that. If it turns out to be a client-side patch, Daybreak will be forced to wait for permission from both Sony and Microsoft before they can release the patch. That would take a couple weeks. =/
  10. DCUO Post Loyal Player


    Sadly weekends don't count as business days.
  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This was resolved with today's (Sunday morning) hotfix.
  12. SForce New Player

    @DCUO @Mepps my question to you my friend is as follows. For my character STRONGFORCE (PS4 US Server), I have spent between Marketplace Cash and PSN cards over $200 (real money) in the hopes that I would at some point obtain the beautiful Phoenix Material. I have opened the Amazon Time Capsules in the WT, in Olympus, wearing the full Artemis Gear, in my base, in Metropolis, whilst in the Underworld Trials, etc., etc. Therefore, to get to the heart of my question... how many Amazon Time Capsules do I need to earn or purchase (considering I opened at least a few hundred) to finally obtain the Phoenix Material? I know your response will be that the drops are random... but given the odds... what would be the mathematical formula based on the number of Amazon Time Capsules opened that will better my odds so I may finally see the Phoenix Material drop? Please advise, and know that I will appreciate your response even though I know the answer in advance, but hey I had to at least ask, right? Thanks so much and please extend a heartfelt thank you to NerdofPrey, all the Devs, testers and the creative teams (basically everyone), as well as you @Mepps, for making DCUO the best game out there (and literally the only game I play)! Happy Thanksgiving and wishing for you all a safe and wonderful holiday along with your families and friends!!!
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  13. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Firstly dude , the *** kissing won't help you here :)

    Secondly , if you honestly believe there is a random drop rate then you are deluded , just look at all the forum threads about the same thing , everyone is expressing disappointment and disgust about it.

    The drop rate is deliberately as low as possible to force you to spend money ,which you did and got nothing for it , it's almost a scam my friend.

    Phoenix mats are purely cosmetic and wont help you progress so my advice is just forget about it until it becomes more widely available to obtain in game , save your 200 bucks!!

    Lastly , I guess you are relatively new to DCUO so let me welcome you but also warn you , don't get suckered in to the BS that they give you , the truth comes from players that have been here since day 1 mate , read what they say etc

    Have fun :)
    • Like x 1
  14. SForce New Player

  15. SForce New Player

    @IamINC Appreciate your reply but a few points of clarity for you. 1) Though I know I show up on this site as being new, I've been playing for almost six years. I have the disc, the comic book, Batman statue which I gifted to my little boy, and my favorite trinket, the Collectors Edition Drone Control Device, or Bat bot as I like to call him. Now, in spite of your words of wisdom, which again I appreciate, 2) I don't take kindly to your first comment, which pertained to the a$$ kissing. My being a respectful person to the individuals who manage this amazing game (my opinion of course) is not a sign of a$$ kissing. I am merely asking a question, and expressing my appreciation and respect for the great people who allow me to be entertained each night and on the weekends just like my Mother taught me when I was a youngling. Yes, between YouTube, these Forums,, etc., there are many individuals like you who preach your multiple disappointments with DC Universe, with the Developers, with Mepps, and so on, and so on (and astonishingly enough you all continue to play DCUO which is staggering for if I was as disappointed as you all I most certainly would cease and desist from playing a game that makes me so unhappy). But believe it or not, there are many of us with just enough technology background to understand the dynamics of what it means to run software, servers, coding, design, infrastructure, and so many other front and back end systems that we do understand that things are set to work a certain way, regardless if we like it or not. And 3) your point about the spending money... Daybreak is a business entity and like any other business venture (no different than other companies out there) making money means keeping the lights on, employees earning salaries, new DLCs popping up, etc.,... and at 47 years of age, college educated and making some good money to support my wife (who's a$$, by the way, is the only one I kiss, with delight), along with my 3 teenagers, and my chocolate lab, I am well versed in the unique paradigm of how a business remains solvent, and would expect to pay Daybreak each month so that I, along with the million or more players here and abroad, can continue to bring enjoyment into our lives when we play DCUO. So, in closing, my question was merely to know, again, how much would it take to finally see the beautiful Phoenix Material. And your opinion, though valid for you and the many like you, would have been better served in someone else's thread as my conversation was intended for @Mepps (but this is a free country so you're free to express your thoughts nonetheless). To that end, I do hope you and yours have a fun-filled Thanksgiving holiday, and please be safe as well. Good night.
  16. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Hey man I meant no disrespect to you of course , I just say things exactly how I see them , and havea happy thanks giving to you from the UK.

    P.S Paragraphs are your friend :)
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  17. SForce New Player

    I am inclined to agree with your last comment regarding paragraphs. Thanks for the well wishes, too.
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  18. Thresh New Player

    I am having this same issue I collected the Phoenix material, however it isn't showing up in my styles tab. My toons name is "Threshholder" a tech villain
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  19. Thresh New Player

    You're better off buying the remainder of the collections to earn it
  20. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    I just acquired the Phoenix Material and I was under the Assumption you could apply the Material to some pieces of Gear not just ALL

    Disregard I figured out my error