Pet Class?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PainMakesMePurrr, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. PainMakesMePurrr Active Player

    Good afternoon.

    I'd like to know which power set, if any, could be considered to have "pets".

    I'm just a sucker, for pet classes.

    Thanks in advance :D
  2. Jake IX New Player

    hmm. Mental, gadgets, sorcery,

    I'm sure there's more just none i can think of atm. Also, in the iconic tree, there's a robot sidekick.
  3. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

  4. Lady Nomad New Player

    I didn't know mental had any pets? Neat.
    Earth also has a pet.
  5. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    Wildstar - Engineers
  6. Harlequin_Nox Committed Player

    They need to sell skins for the Robotic Sidekick ability.

    Or trinkets that summon a variety of different pets.

    I want to be able to summon mummies, spirits, zombies (soulless), and a giant cockroach.

    I suppose other things, like insect swarms and constructs would be cool, too, for other people. Psh! Like what you all think matters. ^_^
  7. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    I think they are temporal like Ice pet.
  8. Harlequin_Nox Committed Player

    It's part of a 100% Super Charge ability that turns you into a Reaper and summons a bunch of Spectres around you. Your loadout stays the same, you are buffed, and it is temporary.

    Personally, I think it fits Celestial far more than Mental, but that's just my opinion.
  9. Lady Nomad New Player

    Ah ok. I remember the Reaper SC when I was trying out that power. I thought maybe I had missed something in the Mental tree. As in, they had a pet similar to Sorcery's Watcher or Earth's Gollum that stayed with you.
  10. PainMakesMePurrr Active Player

    Thanks for the info/help, all.

    And, I'm definitely, checking out that link.
  11. Poo New Player

    Earth has a pet

    Sorcery has 3 I believe (with a revamp out soon)

    Gadgets has a floating turret

    Nature... you turn into pets ;P

    that's all I can think of atm
  12. Zuse Loyal Player

    earth=2 pets
    sorcery=3 pets + a SC that gives you all at once
    gadgets=i think there were 2 or just 1 pet/s
    mental= 50 sc that give you pets idk 5 i think

    and trinkets