PC Villian

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Slinkity, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Slinkity New Player

    Looking for an active league that plays during the day, 8-5 EST, Just joined DCUO and have signed up for legendary status. Not looking for a stoner league, just a place to hang out and play with other people. If you want a cranky old man on your ventrillo servers, send a tell to Slinkity in game.
  2. masterking987 New Player

    hey can you help me get into a league as well i cannot figure out how to join one
  3. Liam Solo New Player

    lol Well Slinkity I read your post and chuckled to my self at your "cranky old man post" so I had to reply.

    Welcome to DCUO. I don't play during the day except on the weekends myself ( I'm surfing the forums while at work).
    The league i'm a part of plays mostly afternoons and at night. Hope to see you around, DCUO can always use more cranky old men. Anyway good luck with your search for a league.
  4. Slinkity New Player

    Yeah, i typically play online while my wife is work, and spend time with her when she is home. I am probably going to have to join a european guild, as the majority of people seem to play in the evenings. Thanks for the reply, not having much luck asking in the HOD for a guild.

    Ill just keep plugging away, still trying to learn the game, but im level 18 soloing everything so far, just would be nice to have someone to chat with, to help explain the things I don't understand
  5. Liam Solo New Player

    Whats your power and what role are you trying for? I'll be happy to help answer whatever questions I can.
  6. Slinkity New Player

    Not sure, just logged off the game, i chose a villain, hand blasters, and circe as mentor, been playing about 3 days now, so right now im just taking gear that gives me better stats than what i was wearing 5 min ago.

    What determines if you are a tank/healer/troll? is it your stats? Can't remember choosing a tank option, but the game seems to think thats what i am.

    Is there a way to move the bar at the bottom of the screen, that tells me what traits I have loaded? can't figure that out,and wanted to expand chat window some, so that it doesn't overlap.

    Will check the post tomorrow, have fun gaming.
  7. Liam Solo New Player

  8. Slinkity New Player

    Thanks very much for the information.
  9. Slinkity New Player

    Two other questions if you are still reading this,

    How do you use replay badges? I can see that as a legendary player I get 150 a month, Is the vault worth doing over more than once a day? Haven't gotten anything good out of it yet, but not sure what else to use the badges on, Been avoiding the PVP arenas until i learn how to play better.

    Other than some of the innate abilities that weapon skills can give you, is there a reason to spend skill points into learning a different weapon?
  10. Liam Solo New Player

  11. Slinkity New Player

    Yeah, i have been checking all of the clubs, to get the explorer missions as soon as I can, the challenges I have been doing as I find them as i fly around the city, speaking of which...

    when I am flying to a destination and the ring around my mini map flashes yellow what does that mean? I can't seem to find anything in the area that triggers is. its not where the quest is, as I keep flying to the quest, just trying to figure out what the flashing means

    Found a detailed map site, that lists all the locations of everything it seems, starting to use that now.