PC Test Feedback: Art Update

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Scur, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Feenicks New Player

    I love the reflections on the buildings now. Really cool. But one problem. I see the reflection, look around to see what is reflected, and see no match. Trivial complaint I agree. But most gamers suffer from OCD and that small detail could cause an attack.
  2. blklightning New Player

    That's always been the case. If you go to Gotham and look at the reflections on the wet streets, it's the exact same image regardless of where you are. It's only noticeable by us OCDers. :p
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  3. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I noticed this on the window domes in Gotham and the reflective windows in Metropolis. I'd see the building in the reflection, turn around, and never see anything that matched the reflection.

    Maybe you can blame the faulty reflections on Trigon and some parallel dimensions.
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  4. Remander Steadfast Player

    I think creating true accurate reflections would be too difficult.
  5. Feenicks New Player

    Considering the awesome improvements in code I would say nothing is impossible.

    What would be even more awesome......and doable......is to see OUR reflections when we look at the reflections.
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    In the Harley quest, the two switches that you use to kill the mobs don't have an interact icon on them. I mean, it's a good tough love way to troll your new players to have to fight those mobs, but I think it would make people not want to continue outside of hardcore.

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  7. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    Because I'm not rocking the hardcore PCs of my peers here, I usually play DCUO with lowered graphic settings to improve performance. I have to say I'm impressed by the differences I can see on Test Server even with the settings lower.

    The only issue I've noticed so far has to do with races. On live, the checkpoints are a little difficult to see, but the brighter green still sticks out against the world background. I've only tried races in Gotham on Test Server so far because of the difficulty in seeing the checkpoints. While the checkpoint may be sharper, the coloring definitely got that darker tone that many other effects seemed to get. I'm not sure which graphic setting messes with the way the checkpoints appear, but they are currently too dark to see in Gotham. Couple that with the fact that you now only get XP for obtaining a platinum and it makes the races a nuisance rather than a help.
  8. OmegaHero New Player

    The Steel works has some graphics issues I would put up screens but prefer to upload directly from my pc and can not do that here. The ares in the steel Works seem to not have any textures to them on some of the piping and the building tops.
  9. Boscohark Well-Known Player

    All in all the new art looks very good. Some comments:

    • I like how you have changed the Braniac ships! Still present but not overwhelming the areas they are over.
    • The art in general for both cities looks really nice.
    • However not a big fan of the new "smoke" effects over combat areas. They really detract from the overall look of the cities. Metropolis more then Gotham. Metropolis is much darker because of this and I really do not enjoy that. Even in Gotham it obscures too much and takes away from the views of the city. I would lessen that if I could.
    • Love the new layout of the Pillars of Hades.
    • Hall of Doom looks real good. I assume Watchtower is similarly improved!
  10. SuperiorMouse New Player

    the park looks fantastic but i finally got to see the pillars area and wanted to point out that the glowing "streaks" vfx over shoot the floating rocks in many cases. so they would normally be a contrail from the rocks but when they come out ahead of the rock, misaligned, the edge of the texture is noticable and it looks like a glowing handrail for the rock. it's not very pretty. you guys probably already noticed this but i wanted to point it out just incase.

    this also happens in a few parts of Centennial Park with the trees too... up close they are low res while from far back they are proper res.
  11. Scur Developer

    The building reflection lines you all are seeing is a bug. This bug is challenging; there is some pretty complicated math involved and due to the complexity it may be a few days or more before we have a solid fix.
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  12. Scur Developer

    We have a fix for this now and Test Server should receive this early next week.
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  13. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    Also at the end mission "Grodd" his name icon was below his waste. Nevertheless I feel the enhanced graphics are ethereal. The new cut-scenes in the beginning and at the end are brilliant value added effects for the overall mission. Congratulations and thank you to all who worked on the game system restructuring, in my opinion you've all done a wonderful job! Off to Centennial park for a flight of sight-seeing and radar enhancer utilization. Epiphany! LOL
  14. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    Beautifully stunning visuals:cool: !:) :D
  15. Blight KOBRA Commander

    The artwork enhancements are quite stunning actually. Nice work on them.
  16. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    While approaching Midtown Metropolis on my way to Centennial Park from Little Bohemia in flight I noticed a purple cloud like glow in the air, which I presume is indicative of smoke due to the smoke view as I neared the park. Purple smoke or otherwise?
  17. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    The "pop-up" in some areas of the game is annoying. Take this Diamond Heist for example. I'm about to cross over the fence from Robinson Park. It doesn't look like Diamond Heist is up:

    Take a couple steps forward and you get this:

    You would never know Diamond Heist was in effect unless you flew directly over the area.
  18. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    The trees in Robinson Park have the same detail problems that I saw in Centennial Park. In this example, the models change just by me switching the zoom level on the camera:


    If I zoom in the camera a little bit, the tree model changes:
  19. Penryn The Gadgeteer

  20. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    You might want to consider changing the location of this exobit. It would be inconvenient to reach as a speedster:


    This is on the northwest corner of Robinson Park.