PBelite Grodd...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IIThe QuestionII, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    o_o Isn't anyone else going to mention how angry he is?

    Any tips and tricks welcome, i'd like my success rate to go anything beyond 10% D:
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  2. Nu31 Well-Known Player

    Have your tank stand at the biggest/longest blue door, that's where the adds spawn so it makes it easier. Have your group spread out so there aren't mass deaths due to the charge/jump. Grodd will also spawn a few floating/roaming projections around the room...you need to avoid these as fire will spawn on top of the projections. It's similar to the Black Hand mechanic where he spawns a black orb and it follows someone and then goes off. Not much of a difference between reg and elite Grodd, mechanic wise.
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Have your tank stand by the door. everyone else form a smiley face around him.

    Block and avoid purple aoe. Make sure dps arent right next to your tank. Hit the console whenever you can.

    It helps to have 2 troller, 2 healers in this fight for extra protection and to strip grodd of his buffs.

    Its mostly a battle to survive. Most people fail this fight because their dps are too stubborn to block and roll.
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  4. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I think the bottom corner method we were trying yesterday was a bad spot because if the tanks gets trapped there with an AOE then it is game over and it always happened when Grodd was at 10%. The area by the door where grodd and the adds spawn is the best as it give everyone the most room to run around. The biggest problem in this fight is no one paying attention to the purple projections that chase you and spawn the fire AOE. If the group can avoid these and get them to spawn the fire AOE away from the group then it is an easy win.
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  5. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Yeah, Grodd is just all about paying attention and moving when he goes out toward the group and avoiding the purple bombs.

    Dr. Light, on the other hand...yikes. I know what Sue Dibney feels like.
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  6. Ragnarok Well-Known Player

    Beaten it twice, and as the others have said: it requires a high degree of situational awareness. The consoles in the room should be activated at the right times, too.

    And I've no idea why--possibly CC immunity from other players' attacks--but Ice tank pulls absolutely suck at gathering Grodd's henchmen. They're constantly immune and refuse to budge. For some reason I have no problem gathering them with an Atomic tank (which I've now returned to on account of this silly raid). Anyone else have this issue? Also, I find the elite drop rate in this truly abysmal compared to the other top-tier raids. I know it's probably just RNG, though it seems as if I'm having a real streak of bad luck.
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  7. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Might be luck, i've ran it (succesfully) twice and past the first boss 2 more making it 8 bosses total and i have 6 elite pieces already :)
  8. Elusian Crowd Control

    Just RNG. Want to know the opposite? Someone in our league got 5 pieces straight in a row. I'm personally on the average so seems to be fine to me.
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  9. Tilz Loyal Player

    Haven't read the other posts (just fast overview)
    Here is the tactic i ran with my league:

    2 tank
    1 troll
    1 heal
    4 dps

    We tank grodd at the door were the portal is (left entramce) . The 2md tank is at the big portal for the 3 adds.
    --> we just seperate them because of the damage split.

    The group has to burn grodd.

    Troll: damage & defense debuff

    You know those projections from strykers? The are on your head btw. If they go aeound the floor...get away. They will setup the aoe (saw up to 3 aoes at one time). Grodd has also some attacka that can be lunged fast.

    So if you keep movement for aoe and bis jumping and interrupt him fast (i do it as heal with clipping lunge) it is not a big deal. It just needs some coordination. It is acually one of the better boss fights.

    The setup is up to you, but fast burn (less trouble) wins here
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  10. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Watch for the pink teeth following you around, they spawn AOEs that hit hard:

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  11. Bakhand of Death Level 30

    Watch for the pink faces on the floor... They turn into a AoE. Then your biggest issue will be light.
  12. Minnion Devoted Player

    Guess someone rustled his jimmies...
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  13. Eternal Flame Active Player

    Kinda looks like whoever ends up with the teeth on their head thats who the bombs go to. Im not 100% on that tho. But watch your vid again and see.
  14. TheDark Devoted Player

    With Grodd, he does a leap attack which appears to be random to some. Right before he does his leap/jump attack to someone he does a quick up and down jump first. So if the tank, or anyone watching through the animations going on, sees Grodd do a quick up and down jump, his next immediate move is going to be him leaping over to someone. That move can knock out a player but they can survive if they're blocking and getting heals. They can also just roll out the way. Grodd also does a charge sometimes.

    As mentioned, Grodd unleashes 2 pink colored projections that look like his teeth. That produces his projection fire field, aka his pink fire pulsing attack. As soon as each set of 2 smokes disappears, just expect the next 2 to appear around 2 to 3 seconds after. From there it's easy to avoid. People just have to pay attention or warn other players. You can block in it and roll away, or you can move after a certain time and have it spawn a point. Below is a short clip of just calling it out.

    While players may recommend ranging him, we've beaten Grodd consistently now even with me getting melee to mid range on my Gadget dps. But for that it's ideal to be very focused on some his pink fire warnings and his jumps/charges.
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  15. Eternal Flame Active Player

    I think saying 2-3 seconds later is wrong. They appear and move towards someone the explode for about 6-10 seconds and sometimes the next ones dont appear for another 10 seconds.
  16. TheDark Devoted Player

    Possibly. It may have just felt that way but the timing on when the teeth projections appear definitely varies. We've seen them appear immediately after the previous 2 at times. Last night there were sets that took longer.
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  17. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    I beat this finally yesterday. This is a simply incredible fight. So many mechanics that I was simply in awe and appreciative for what the Dev's have done here. The key we found was burning those damn adds. They actually buff Grodd. Burning them quickly and then getting on Grodd. Also, the Trolls must keep debuffs on Grodd or it will be a long night. All of Godds mechanics are easily avoidable. The setup was 1 Tank-2 Trolls-2 Heals-3Dps.
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  18. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    People keep saying two trolls. I'm curious what for? Maybe I haven't been in a group that bad yet. It's easy enough to debuff, dump, and throw POT.
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  19. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Agreed on that. I'm sure there are solid groups who can focus on Grodd while the adds flail about and finish anyway. I think for more average ones it's a lot safer to gather the adds and burn them ASAP when they appear.
  20. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    Nice job. I don't understand why everyone is claiming to need 2 trolls. A half decent troll is all you need. It's not hard to Throw POT, instant, and debuff. Should be the standard.