Participation Trophy

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by DeitySupreme, Mar 26, 2022.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Made a league with the sole intent of helping other players. Whether you are new to the game, returning from a long break, or just want to get better you are welcome.I can not promise that I will always be free to help, but when I am free I am happy to do so.

    US PS/PC Server
    Hero Faction

    Don't be rude to other members or players in general.
    No Hacking.

    Deity Supreme
    Centurion Deity
    Preeminent Deity

    These are my 3 top toons so I will most likely be on one of them. Or you can message me on here.
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

  3. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Who is the ******* Hero in this game? You and your powers, or the Eye of ****ng Gemini? At which point did this stop being a game about superpowers and start being about the things you have levelled?
  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You ok? What’s that have anything to do with this?
  5. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Sorry - that was intended to be a reply on another thread. Which, in retrospect, would have been as equally well received. I guess I got a second chance to not be so arsey here :).
  6. SmackDown420 New Player

    If you're still looking for active people to join, both my brother and myself are looking for an active league. We're both returning players after a long absence and just would like a good group of people to run raids and alerts with to catch up on all the content we've missed so far.

    Server: USPC / Hero
    IGN: SmackDown420
    Power: Light
    Role: Controller