paradox and nexus nerf

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by shaun10656, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. shaun10656 New Player

    The nerf has finally been delivered so the elitism can stop now right? has anybody run it with a group that was at least under 95-97cr and finished it with minor to no problem? I just want a confirmation so when I see people asking for 99 101cr that they are just being ridiculous
  2. wintermute Well-Known Player

    Nerfs won't stop crap players.
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  3. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    People still gonna ask for 101cr. If 95-97 try starting you're own raid. Shout in LFG and when that 95 DPS shouts and that 101 shouts see who you grab. Right...
  4. Couzintony New Player

    They are gonna be crap regardless of the content... It takes more than power lvling n rushing to end game to get skill...
  5. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Yea I beat is will full groups around 90-95cr. Oh wait you meant post nerf, no I haven't walked any alts in yet.
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  6. Magical Reset Committed Player

    If it's anything like on the test server, then gearing alts up should be a lot easier, I can see people hitting cr 100 in a week from character creation now. So hurray for that.
  7. shaun10656 New Player

    no I don't mean post