Open World PvP league recruiting Both heros and Villains

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by MojoDuul, Jul 10, 2021.

  1. MojoDuul Active Player

    This is mainly for casual players or people who just want to relive the old open world pvp experience. I have two leagues, one on hero side and one on villain side. I would like to recruit people to both leagues and have these leagues be friendly rivals. we will organize wars in open world pvp phase for fun to recreate the old dcuo experience. I will also create a chat channel for anyone who is interested in joining the wars but does not wish to join the leagues. this way even non league members can participate in our open world wars. at this point i am a casual player, i have no desire to run content or farm SP since the only reason i did that in the past was to get stronger in pvp and since pvp is dead there is no point to that anymore. if you guys wish to join then comment below or join the voice chat OpenWorldPvP and say hi. pvp gear will be required. If you do not have pvp gear we can help you get it.