OP gear...is it even worth the grind anymore?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WesPypes3679, Nov 7, 2017.

  1. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    If they switched to a crafting model, the "new" grind could be to do "armor reinforcement." You would pick up plans to fortify the piece(s) you already have, grind out acquiring some materials, then go to the R&D station and voila! OP piece suddenly strengthened to current levels.
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  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Bad idea for two reasons:

    1) If they made it a mod, they would STILL find a way to inject it with enough RNG grind to choke a Rhino...and because they want you chasing all the time, it would still have a short shelf life or some other disadvantage.

    2) We'd lose another avenue for unique one-off styles...the Prime OP head (the most rare piece in the game), Tactical Archer hands, Atom's belt, Kryptonian OP helm, Time Master Hands, Starro Face, Per Degaton's Belt, that huge OP back piece, the gas helmet, and coming soon...the alternate Olwman cowl. A mod, no matter the stat boost or other advantages, could ever make up for the loss of styles.
  3. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    But the plus for having an OP item, is having an OP item. There shouldn't also be feat points attached to getting it.
  4. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Yeah, your right, but thats not the idea. The mods would continue for a long time and styles really don't matter in this case. Just want something that would last through the year and can be taken out from one gear to the next, its an excellent idea
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  5. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    I did consider it. It was the only reason I grinded up the elite gloves in AoJ and RWC (Until I got the OP ones) One of many funny little things that I had to bring to the attention of a few "OG" players I have dealt with. Most of them actually had the gear to at least activate the first affinity, but had no clue that the pieces counted as elite gear. I guess that whole reading the descriptions of the items is too much for some. I've stated elsewhere here on the forums that I currently have Type A and Type B mods active. I think it was considered so that a hardcore player would not put in all the work to grind up an Elite gear set and then have to choose between sacrificing OP items for affinity mods and visa versa. That is why it only on the head, back, belt, and gloves and not any of the other pieces.
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Why are people chasing after TC items even when they vehemently state that they don't care for a single style item in any time capsule...feats. I know the reasonable response is "but OP items already have a reason to chase them...stats and styles". True, but if you really want the people frothing at the mouth for the chase...sprinkle a little feat points and voila...a can't resist item. Oh and here's the best, most diabolical twist....you know why it works, how they know what to add to make them a must have...we constantly tell them how much we value feat points. BOOM!!!!! All protests to remove feat points from TC and OP items is telling them in very bold letters FEAT POINTS HAVE INCREDIBLE VALUE TO US....WE CAN'T RESIST!!!! ;)
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Hmmm...something you can upgrade and take with you from gear to gear and wouldn't become obsolete with the next episode like OP items and vendor gear does. Great idea...oh wait...Artifacts. Boom!!! :D
  8. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    anymore? lol it was never worth the grind or needed
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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    There is another thing to consider as the reason(s) for why another head piece...ready for this...cause this head piece is pretty epic looking. I know I know, tastes are subjective. Thing is, a lot of Batfans have also wanted an Owlman style for years...we finally get a Crime Syndicate Episode...and as fortune favored us, we get the Owlman style in the vendor. But wait, Owlman has had a few styles throughout the years, so why not his other popular look as well. And here we are. To be quite frank, i'm quite happy with what they've done....because truth be told, the last OP helm was way underwhelming (and that's putting it very nicely). Of course, opinions will vary...but I suspect that Batman/Owlman fans will dig it. And I can easily use that helm with different styles, for an alternate effect.
  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I agree with the never needed part easily. Never worth the grind??? That's a bit more subjective. For me, they've been worth getting for the styles. And now that they've made them a touch easier to get (being able to trade/buy collection pieces is a LOT easier than depending on pure luck for fully formed drop), they've been made worth chasing a little more. Your mileage may vary.
  11. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Same here. I think I might have ran OLYe a few times, but after seeing what "elite"was. I never went back. Plus, like you said. Those afinaties are so minor. The work to get them past the first two doesn't seem worth it.
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  12. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Feat points are cumulative, permanent progression. Gear (including OP items) are temporary stepping stones, granted the OP items last a but longer. And styles are nice to haves, but may not appeal to everyone. So yes, the Devs are aware that feat points are important. You can only afford to miss out on getting so many of them before it starts being an issue with your performance.

    I'm not going to go into the issues with TCs, since this thread is about OP items, but OP items are their own incentive. The only reason to add feats is greed, hoping players will spend money resetting content to get them. And that's a surefire way to have angry customers that eventually get fed up and leave.
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  13. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, no. So very wrong. Having less skill points will not diminish your performance.

    Yes, they are a part of permanent progression, but since like year one or two, they haven't been as needed. Agree or disagree, that's up to you and others. Just saying, my 201cr 136sp healer is boss. The power you play has more to do with your performance than your skill points. Kind of why the flavor of the month term was coined after respec tokens were introduced and gadgets got it first revamp. From that time until now, it's always been about the power you play rather than skill points.

    And I love getting newbie feats at end game content. When I got the 50x feat in an alert, people couldn't stop laughing.
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  14. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Yeah I agree, but read the beginning of the thread to understand this comment of mine
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  15. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I can't remember the breakdown now with the stat revamp, but stats come from gear, mods and sp allocation. Gear can chance quickly, mods can take time to craft (so you might not have them ready when you get there gear you want them in), but you should always be increasing your SP.

    If you lacking in one area, you can make up for it in another, to an extent. And yes, an over performing power does help, but powers aren't as far apart now as they were a few years ago.

    Also, if your healer is gear with 136sp, just think how much better they'd be with 200-250. With the new episode, you'll be able to put up to 195 sp per stat. Resto is you primary healing stat, Dom is also used for Shields, and some support roles spec into might/power for the power. That would be 585 sp max (which doesn't exist in game yet), but gives you an idea of how much potential there is in sp for your healer to improve (and what options are open to you when specing, when you have enough sp).
  16. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    not worth it, too much relying on the rng. The rng in this game is really bad.
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  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The thing that makes me laugh and simultaneously drives me nuts is that people can see what's going on and they still fall for the trap, then turn around and get angry at the company for allowing them to fall into said trap. o_O

    And while I understand the fact that Feat points are cumulative, people blatantly and willfully ignore the fact that these feat points are only so useful to a point. Outside of Survival mode and maybe Elite, i've yet to encounter serious content that required anyone to be at max or near max skill points. People have proven over and over that even after the revamp, stats only matter but so much. In fact, the only two stats I can clearly see making much of a difference is power and health (with power being the more significant of the two). All these extra skill points aren't going to break anyone...no matter how much people feel it will. But I digress, since this isn't the primary topic here.

    What you call greed, they call added incentive to get people to chase the chase items...because people have been questioning the lack of need for these items. Throw feat points into the mix, and it reinforces the spell they've cast on people. Since it works (as evidenced by this very thread), it won't be going away anytime soon (or at least not until they add a different incentive).
  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    At the end of the day, that's just a sink for you to put your points into. Otherwise we'd have no "reason" to go for more skillpoints.
  19. light FX Steadfast Player

    Exactly. It has nothing to do with the players skill level when it comes to getting an OP item. I skipped the head in AoJ and will skip the head in ep30 and continue selling any OP collections i get. Id much rather make 100+ million to finish 5sp worth of feats in a TC then spend that same amount or more for 1 50 point feat ;) And all ya gotta do is compare the stats on the ep29 OP hands to the regular riddler hands to see they arent worth it. +200 might and +200 power for a dps is not making anyone a better player.
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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    And your 2nd paragraph imo is the problem. Besides gear what other progression is in the game? Feats and mods. And players can roll through content on day 1 w/out mods or lower tiered mods and low sp. Progression in the game is limited to getting gear and thats pretty much it. And when ya play other MMOs gear is a big part of it yes but there are multiple other means of progression that can make a difference when it comes to performance. Sp and mods wont make a difference in normal content in this game other then how fast u complete the instance. And a lot of times its a difference of only a few mins. Point being a lot can go into getting sp and mods but how much they affect performance doesnt seem to make em worthwhile.