One Week Unlimited Escrow Is Flawed

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TrueGODofMarvel, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    Paying more for less only refers to the A La Carte Vs. Subscription and has nothing to do with the individual product. Generally that is how that quote works.

    This is I view this product:
    So One Week Unlimited Escrow gives premiums access to all of their money reserves... but they can't trade or mail that money without going legendary

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  2. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    See and that is also anther problem. This is what your statement translates into :

    "The point of the A La Carte System is to be so bad that subscribing becomes more appealing"

    If that was the point of an A La Carte system..... than what is the point of having an A La Carte system...... Might as well not have one......... Why even waste the resources on it.
  3. kawe Loyal Player

    You don't want to pay more for less... you are hiding behind that statement.

    They NEED to make it a relatively high priced to keep legendary attractive.
    The subscription is offering you vital perks at the cheapest rate. Cutting apart all legendary perks that are crucial and offering them in the marketplace would destroy the sub concept if they end up being cheaper for the players in the long run. Marketplace perks need to be more expensive. You say you are wiling to accept that by paying more, yet when it comes to the cheaper solution to buy the sub you suddenly are against that.
    Who in his right mind would pay more for less, if there is an option to pay less for more? If you are doing that to support the devs, then you would sub up... because there are only so much character/inventory/DLCs/bank slots you can get. Replays, styles etc that are available can still be purchased while being legendary.
    All I see is that you probably bought/maxed out all your slots etc, and the only thing that separates you from a convenient gameplay compared to legendaries is the money issue. If the devs make convenient money access tokens for cheap that includes trading, then you have no reason whatsoever to sub. You don't want to pay more, you want to pay less on the long run with this.

    Unlimited money access and trading for a whole month for 12€. That's a well priced token if you ask me. Buy that strangely named token at the release of each DLC. It's already cheaper than buying 2 unlimited escrow tokens. If you have all DLCs slots whatsoever or not.
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  4. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I don't believe the developers have ever told us what their intention/strategy of a la carte purchases is.

    Some players presume items are priced and/or not available in an effort to promote players toward subscriptions. This seems possible due to how the in game cash / escrow boosts are priced and made available.

    On the opposite side of that same coin some presume the intention is to provide players with options to play the game and experience the same features via micro transactions instead of blanket access from a subscription. The only options that are unable to be accessed are league creation, a few extra rows of inventory / bank space, and the ability to trade money.

    It is speculation either way on what the strategy of the developers is. I see the point to both.
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  5. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    It's there to allow people to continue playing if they want to spend money on things that aren't necessary but are perks.

    If you want to get all of the perks it is of course cheaper to become a member. If you only want one perk it is cheaper than a membership but still enough money to make you think about becoming a member instead.

    Just looking at the prices, how could anyone think that the intent is anything but trying to get people to become members? The fact they separated powers and DLC's and legends toons further shows you they are trying to get you to become a member. In 3 months you can spend $10 on a DLC, $10 on a power, and $5 on a Legends toon. Or you could spend $30 and become a member and get all that plus more perks.

    With that in mind I don't see them giving away more membership perks with the escrow at it's current price points. Best of luck to you to try to get it included with the current price, but I just don't see it happening.
  6. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I don't think the micro transactions available to a Premium / Non-Member player are so bad that there is no point in even having a Premium access level to the game as you state. The only thing I see as the concern is the access to escrow money and the ability to disburse the money as the player wants.

    There are two trains of thought to this. The first is that the lack of access to trading cash and the high pricing of even having unlimited access to spend the escrow funds is intentional on the game developers part so that no matter what Legendary / Members would have some level of access that others would not.

    The second is that access to trading cash is a feature that the developers have overlooked in the micro transactions and there needs to be an option for purchase to allow for it. There are a few suggestions in this thread to allow for that although a lot of those are hidden due to squabbling.
  7. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    And in comes Nekron99 with the train of thought I couldn't put into words... Just differing views really.
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  8. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    It doesn't matter what they tell us because if that is the point of an a la carte system in ANY GAME. it makes no sense and is not as profitable as just having multiple ways to collect money. Why would you waste the resources developing good market place items(there are a few), if the whole point of the a la carte system is to be bad.

    but I DO(and agree) think some specific items are priced badly to promote legendary but it is crazy to think the entire point of A La Carte is too suck. Why even have one at that point? Better to just make subscribing mandatory.... oh wait.

    I realize I slightly contradicted myself. That is due to juggling multiple conversations. Here is breakdown:

    • The entire Point of a la carte SHOULD NOT be to suck
    • I think DCUO marketing team attempts to do it sometimes. But it is common knowledge to many that they have very inefficient money making tactics. So it is possible that INCOMPETENCE causes the diminished value rather than intent.
    • An insincere a la carte system is less profitable than a true a la carte system and a subscription model.
    • Your right i don't have enough info to decide rather the A La Carte system of DCUO is intentionally bad
    • if the point of DCUO A La Carte ever turns out to be to promote legendary by being bad, then you guys have a whole nother thread to read while I rip this game a new one. Nothing changes.
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  9. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    $5 per week for 4 weeks = $20
    1 month sub = $15-$10

    Also, I don't agree with your prices. I think the duration is too long. It should stay to 1 week. That way, if a player feels that having unlimited control of their cash was awesome they can quickly subscribe when that week ends. It you make it a month, it limits the flexibility of the product and possible devalues legendary. A lot of people feel that cash is the only perk that matters( as stupid as that sounds)/ If you give those people to pay 3 dollars less every month for such a product they will probably take it.
  10. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I was under the impression that the new system meant you could by it ala carte or continue to by a DLC for 10 dollars and all the features normally associated with that would be business as usual. If not, that's pretty foul but it does make 15 dollars a month sound more enticing than a potential 30 + whatever a premium player will spend to maintain their toon on a day to day basis.
  11. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    Agreed. Yet some legendary members still hold on to the belief that a improved One Week Unlimited Escrow is "too far". Premiums ask for little. The games restrictive nature is clashing down around them. Yet they ask for a improved product and are met with such resistance.

    People lack empathy. They refuse to put their feet in others shoes. I don't. Which is why I fight against injustice and unfairness.

    That is not what is gonna happen unfortunately. It is pretty foul

    Here is a scenario:
    A premium pays at minimum $40 year for DLCs. Those DLCs had legends, powers, and content in one bundle.

    Now, they are all separate yet each product cost the same as if it was a DLC. Legends toons come out roughly monthly. DLCs come out during " new powers" years. But 3 would come out during that new powers year. If my price projections for powers are correct(they probably are), at minimum that mandatory 40 yearly becomes doubled. During a power year it is tripled.

    Of course you don't have to buy all the powers or legends characters.... But that's not the point. The point is that the price has potentially tripled for things premiums use to get along with DLCs.

    But hey man. Remember a improved product such as the one in the OP is way significant a perk.......

    *this post is not directed at you. I started ranting
  12. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I have no other points to add. You are literally the most hard headed unwavering person I have ever had the privilege of having a discussion with.
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  13. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    Actually..... i think you may have misunderstood my post. Your point( i think) that their is merits to both view points. The view points:

    1. A La Carte is intended to be bad
    2. A La Carte is intended to be an alternative
    I replied by stating why i think the way I did, but admitted that I had no way of knowing that(which is what you alluded too). I actually thought I was agreeing with you unless i completely missed the point o_O

    edit: Upon further reading I think I know what I misunderstood. were you saying that insincere A la carte IS a viable business model. And when you called me "hardheaded" you were referring to how my opinion "insincere A La Carte is unprofitable" stayed completely unchanged. would it help if I supported why i thought this or nah?
  14. Rewhx Well-Known Player

    So you would rather keep buying 1 week escrow instead of paying monthly and get more benefits?

    After reading 8 pages, This thread is starting to become irrelevant. No type of reason detailing why it needs to be changed other than self-gain >_>

    Also, you're the GodofMarvel complaining on a DC game. Invalid name >_>
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  15. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    I'd rather have a new way for the developers to get money. A new way for premiums who have already chosen not to sub to pay for more enjoyment of the game. I gave a detailed reason in my very first post. If you choose not to read or comprehend it, that is your fault, not mine

    your last statement is ridicoulous. and please it's TrueGODofMarvel. how would you like it if i called you Rew?
  16. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    I'd rather have a new way for the developers to get money. A new way for premiums who have already chosen not to sub to pay for more enjoyment of the game. I gave a detailed reason in my very first post. If you choose not to read or comprehend it, that is your fault, not mine

    your last statement is ridicoulous. and please it's TrueGODofMarvel. how would you like it if i called you Rew?
  17. Rewhx Well-Known Player

    All my friends call me Rew. So go right ahead ^_^.

    And just note: You wanting to be able to trade & send money will possibly increase the cost of buying the 1 week, because you're gaining more legendary privileges. So you're willing to spend (or in this case, waste) your money weekly just to able to trade money?
  18. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Firstly my point is that they aren't intentionally making anything insincere or bad or sucky or whatever you want to negatively label it as.

    Secondly I think they are providing options that further whatever their strategies are to make profits. Whether those are the best strategies absolutely could be debated but I wasn't trying to debate any points related to that.

    My final point was that we as players just don't know what the developers intentions and strategies are for why they have some features for purchase and not others, why they price certain things they way they have, etc. We make assumptions that it to bolster subscriptions or that it's an oversight or whatever else. We really don't know.

    The hard headed comment was more in relation to the fact that you argue your beliefs no matter what, simply because you believe them. In general for most people they view this trait as a negative, aggressive, and confrontation personality trait. You could be the nicest person in the world but it seems obvious that you feel that you must fight, argue, and drive home your belief on the matter at hand. Expressing ones opinion, providing information to further that, and to even counter a persons points would be fine, but to take other opinions as attacks is bit overboard.

    You even go on to the point that if the devs came here and said yes we intentionally didn't allow for this feature for Premium / Non-Members then you would feel a need to then further your points of contention on how they are wrong to market a game that they built in a manner that doesn't agree with your beliefs of how it should be marketed to make the most profits. Why? Because you are right? Because you have the answer that someone else doesn't and won't accept? At the end of the day it just comes across as you being unwavering. Like a person with their fingers in their ears yelling LA LA LA LA.

    I can only presume you love to argue and get great enjoyment from it, but no matter what I sit in awe of you. Mouth agape while I read the post after post after post of yours.
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  19. TKO New Player

    Not every free to play uses this method. Star trek online uses the " Here try our game, You like it ? COOL ,here's a way to get stuff faster, hers' a way to earn stuff from our cash shop for free, .. AND wait for it every DLC is FREEEEEEE !!!!!And here randomly have free stuff. And give us money if you like what your playing, we care about you and want you to give us money because you like what were doing, and not give us money to have the game not annoy you by restricting your ability to spend money you already earned" There are other more successful ways to run a F2p thank god SOE got sold hopefully the game will improve now
  20. Vesper Dedicated Player

    OMG. You did NOT just say that *Star Trek Online* is a shining example of Free-to-Play Awesomeness, did you????


    That game is completely Pay-to-Win unless you want to do NOTHING but di-lithium farming. Want a ship? Buy one. Want uniforms? Buy them. Want weapons? Buy. Want shields? Buy. How about engines? Buy. Bridge crew? Buy that too.

    Start Trek Online. LOL.
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