One armories question

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scotty, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. Scotty Well-Known Player

    If I'm in my dps build, and I want to switch to my tank build, my stats aren't going to change unless I re-spend my skill points, yes?

    My stats are built for DPSing, not tanking. tanks usually have insane Health and defense and/or toughness stats depending on whether the toon is PVE or PVP. Even if I spent my skill points and changed my loadout to a tank's role, my stats still would not be as great as a true tank's, as I have not equipped Tank gear.
  2. Little Sister New Player

    Assuming you have 2 armories, make your DPS build (including SP), imprint it on an armory. Then respec your toon to Tank and imprint that on your 2nd armory. Switch back and forth between the 2 and your SP, PP and gear will all change automatically.
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  3. Scotty Well-Known Player

    "gear will all change automatically."

    I currently have the entire Prideful set equipped. If I switch to my Tank role through the armory, my gear will switch to all Tank gear, with the increased tank stats?
  4. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    You have to have BOTH sets of gear to switch. So you have to have both DPS and TANK gear separately. You do one armory set with your DPS equipped and the other armory set with your tank gear equipped.

    In regards to 'gear changing automatically'... they mean that if you have different gear in different armories, then the gear will switch automatically between them as long as they are still in your inventory or bank.
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  5. Scotty Well-Known Player

    OK, thanks for clarifying Thorn. Now it's clear. I will be using only one armory I guess. I don't have any plans to switch role, so i guess even one armory will be just a waste of space?
  6. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    If you aren't the type who respecs for specific missions, then yes, it would be a waste. But what some have suggested is getting your character set exactly how you like it and imprint the armory- that way if you switch styles, color palette, etc.. and don't like it, you can immediately reset back by activating the armory.
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  7. danielqpk New Player

    Yeah for me its awesome...
    I have traces pve healer and dps gear
    Also have veng dps and heal gear.

    So when (if) you start utilizing all aspects of roles...
    You would really like armories.

    Especially since dps are a dime a dozen and it helps to be able to run either role.