Omnipotence ring and face

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Pults, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. Pults Loyal Player

    Not really a bug but concidering omnipotence items are a rare and give overall better stats than current ingame items. Some adjustments have to be made.
    In comparison to 112 healer ring the omnipotence has lesser power (-27) and lesser restoration (-57).
    Omni face has -3 power and -23 restoration compared to 112 healer face piece.
    Also the combat rating for these items is not up-to-date. The ring is 93 and face is 102, both of these items can have an impact on combat rating of up to -3. For dps roles -3 combat ratings are a noticable difference in damage output and damage input.
    Could these items be updated with each new ring/face/head/neck piece realeses to reflect those item CRs?
  2. Ace27 New Player

    I highly doubt it, but it would be nice! I have the mask and it sure does mess with cr which sucks when your LFG and get passed up by someone with a normal showing cr