Older Artifact Update Please

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Mr.W, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. Mr.W Committed Player

    Maybe something along these lines (but not necessarily exact)?

    Dilustel Refractor 160/200 changed to a pull regens x% of health according to your dom. This effect occurs once every 10-15sec but the health buff is halfed

    Star heart Fragment 160/200 heals group members around you x% of their health but the health buff is halfed.

    Entwined Rings of Azar 160/200 your grant players a second power of time heal x% of their but the health buff is halfed

    Dead Kings Scepter 160/200 grants the ability Kings Eruption (a violent blast that erupts from a targets' feet damaging it an nearby enemies.)

    Philosopher's Stone 200 shields group members standing in the supply drop

    Omegahedron 160/200 reduce a players power cost by x amount.
  2. Mr.W Committed Player

    Alternatively the Star heart Fragment could also grant defense to the group based on x% of your resto but the health buff is halfed.
  3. DontCare97 Well-Known Player

    Dilustel def needs that type of buff and omegahedron at 200 should save you up 35% to 50% with rework buff and lasso of truth needs to be reworked as well 80 2% heals but change the healing effect from damage lasso takes itself to damage player takes while the lasso is attached to an enemy also at 120 4%healin 160 6%healin 200 8%healin
  4. Mr.W Committed Player

    That would be amazing, but I don't think the ppl would even allow it to be that high for the omegahedron lol. I like the direction you're going, but instead of outright healing i think it would be more beneficial if at 120+ lasso granted 2% damage mitigation for every enemy tethered. That way healers are still a key group element, and the heals from both the artifact & healer will mean more since would have greater sustainability.
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  5. DontCare97 Well-Known Player

    the healing would be for lasso artifact and the 35 to 50 power save at 200 would be for omegahedron artifact
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  6. DCUO 21Savage Active Player

    i like post like this trying to improve older stuff to current content
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  7. Mr.W Committed Player

    Definitely, its things like this that keep things fresh & full of variety
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  8. Mr.W Committed Player

    A massive improvement to the gem of horus would be for talon strike to apply bleed for 8+ hits with no cap to the amount. This in my opinion makes it a lot more functional with other weapon mastery attacks & rotations
  9. DCUO 21Savage Active Player

    I really like this idea because the current state of the lasso art is horrible for tanking tbh reason as for why i say this is because at 200 all you get is 2% heals like how is that supposed to help tanks such as ice or earth stay alive if the healer or healers down and their shields are on cooldown etc that's horrible and for the omegahedron idea it very good improvement but entirely love this entire post because its to improve older and some newer arts but 1 thing i would love to see get a different change is Dilustel Refractor for example it shouldn't increase health value it should be changed to increased the player and others dominance by 11.5% at 80,15.5% at 120,17.25% at 160, 19.25% at 200 of the players defense not dominance or health and as for the current effect part it has should remain the same and the pull damaging part should remain the same as well so therefore it'll be a way better tank art but the way i see it i'll use any tank art over everyshitman type art any day
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