Ever since the Glitch / Broker situation, I've been having old items that I had placed on the broker (not been able to sell but had never reclaimed from my mail) pop up in my inventory. Every day I get 5 or so items back. Anybody else experiencing the same thing? I'm just wondering why that is. It's cool now as I just throw them back on the broker and continue to make money. But it was a bit inconvenient when the broker was still down. I ended up having to delete a lot of old collection items as both my vault and inventory were full.
All of those unsold items should have returned to you via mail when the broker came back up. All at once, not overtime unless you're just letting your mail expire.
Returning player on the Switch. Just started up in August. The items did return in the mail, but I never bothered to claim them. I just wanted them to sit there as a sort of "secondary vault" as I had no idea our mail expired. But I guess that's what's happening then. Thanks.
Mail items expire in 60 days, then return to your inventory or to the sender if someone sent you something. Gone are the days when the mailbox was a secondary vault.