Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Exeus, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. Hempkrete Active Player

    I don't know what do you expect there. If I remember top cr for Paradox Wave was 98 or 96 when it came out, and it was extremly hard to complete. But have in mind that raid had some bugs when it came out which made it even more complicated to finish. Now it's easier. Same thing for Nexus. I've seen group in Paradox 190+ 3-4 weeks ago wiping over and over but that's because they were trying to do 5 bosses at the same time and half of the group didn't know mechanics of the raid, or they just ignored it
    If you wanna test it on test server, we can buy gear that's in that cr range and spec 100 sp and see what is going to happen. Just send msg when you want to do it, if u want. :D
  2. recoil Committed Player

    trust me darkseid's war factory wasn't easy before stats revamp. you are fighting DARKSEID plus half of apokolips remember? the only thing i'd expect to be harder than that would be spectre and for some odd reason he's a tier 1 boss. who's idea was it to make god's wrath tier 1?
  3. Hempkrete Active Player

    You can't finish UM if you don't know mechanics of the raid, whatever CR your group is.
    I know that it sucks when you enter lower raid and you can't complete it fast, with high CR, because we all ask ourselves "Why did I put so much effort in the gear grinding if I fail in crappy raid with best gear". But I think they made it that way to force people learn mechanics of the raid cause people were skipping content too fast without learning.

    I'm still shocked by the fact that there are way too many people that still think that CR and SP are cruical SP can help you to do more damage, more power out or healing, but they won't save bad players from fails.

    I can give you few examples...

    I made new character 3 weeks ago. First thing that I unlocked was tactical mods and I kept my gear moded with betas since level 30. Many people at higher cr still don't use tactical mods, and alpha/beta mods cause they are not aware how helpful they are. Some don't know their powersets and they use youtube or friends loadouts. It can be bad loadout or using loadout wrong way.

    Second thing I unlocked was Sidekick. After that supply drop when I had enough marks then orbital.

    At cr 103 - I completed Supply Lines T6 duo alone from scratch, completing feat "Keep it safe". The feat where you have to carry box from start to the end without breaking it. I had around 50sp. How ? 2 shields, soders, sidekick, crowd control powers and not some "the best water dps loadout" junk from youtube.
    At cr 128 - Flash Museum Burglary. 71 SP. DPS left me after 1st boss because he queued up only 4 the feat. Nobody was queuing up and again had to do it solo. 2 shields on loadout, cc trinket shield, supply, orbital, soders.
    At cr 134 - The Demon's Pit. Solo. Same help used as above. 79 sp.
    At cr 144 - Wastelands Wonderland. Last boss completed alone @ full hp cause dps 202 died at the start of the boss fight. This was slow and painful but I managed to get it done with getting the feat for not using Sentinels help. 83 sp.
    At cr 149 - The First Piece. I had to try alone cause I was sick of asking people to help me with feats where u need to avoid exploding barricades and avoiding lasers at last boss. This was hardest thing ever, but done. :mad:
    At cr 155 - Will Of Darkseid - Did Mantis and Kalibak part alone cause troll cr 155 died at begining in the Mantis fire.
    At cr 170 - Wayne Manor gala 1st boss feats solo, with opening all presents, and jokers presents only, against Zatanna. 89 sp.

    That was with water character all in dps role.

    I will mention few more examples.
    At CR 169 I queued up for God of Monsters with my rage tank alt. When I entered raid dps CR 204 said "you cannot tank this" and left group, after him left the dps CR 198 and healer CR 189. New players joined and they were troll 170+,healer was CR 176 and 1 dps I can't remember his cr. We completed raid without any problems except I died once at 1st boss cause I ended up in lava not being shielded cause shield was on cooldown.
    At CR 132 I did Unholy Matrimony with rage tank and I died only @ Brother Blood fight because I or someone else hit the Brother Blood while he was shielded. Healer was CR 156.

    There are way more examples but I don't want to make post any longer.
    I didn't type this to show off, but to encourage all of you to learn your powers, and to learn the mechanics of every instance. And also to use all help that is available to you in the game.
    If you know game well, try to help your friends or random guys that play with you, with useful info, especially if u notice someone is struggling or failing. Most random groups fail because of lack of communication.
    If you are not sure what is going on in instances, switch to combat log tab in your chat and record your gameplay. That can help you to see what is killing you, when and how and also who is failing in the group.