Off Role gear bumps up CR!...Intended?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mint Stiletto, May 18, 2015.

  1. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    I ran Wayward Souls today for the first time on my new toon, I got 3 pieces of Rune gear. 1 healer and 2 controller bits, my toon is a tank power so cannot use them but they bumped my CR up just by landing in my inventory.
    Raised it enough that soon as I was out of there here comes the prompt from Steel asking me to go do the Ace/Strykers missions.
    I thought "well that's weird" I triple checked my inventory and sure enough just those 3 unusable pieces bumped me up.I thought oh well, I just went and did the Ace/Stryker Solos and I got a healer utility pouch and guess what happened.....did ya guess? Yep bumped me up some more!

    With how easy it is to get cr priced out of content as I level up I must say this makes me none too happy.
    Four pieces of gear that I can't use bumped me up even tho my "real" CR never moved because of them.
    I didn't know if I should put this in the bugs section or not, is this all part of the plan or is it a bug?
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  2. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    Are you sure? I mean, if you can't use it, you do not get a CR, ever. You must have picked up something DPS.
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  3. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Put it in the bug section I reckon.

    I should (or possibly shouldn', I will anyway) point out that your thread title is misleading...unless "off role" doesn't mean what I think it means?

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  4. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Very very sure. I saw someone say this a couple days ago and I thought the same as you and just dismissed it thinking they had to be mistaken.
    When it happened I opened my inventory(which was freshly cleaned btw so everything new was up top) to see what I'd got.
    I got 2 controller bits and a healer bit, that was all, I then got a healer utility belt that again raised my CR from the prize box from the ACE solo.
    Yep I'm sure.
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  5. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Suggestion for a better title? Wrong Role Gear?
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  6. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    "Why do I get this crappy, unusable, gear" gear boosts CR
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  7. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I am fairly sure it didn't used to work this way. I wonder if what you experienced happens in all instances or just in a few bugged instances when gear drops for roles we cannot play.
  8. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    No it didn't that's why when I saw someone else say it I thought they had obviously made a mistake,were lying or crazy. lol
  9. Sbel Devoted Player

    Wayward Souls and the Ace/Strykers solos both are 70+ CR. If you had one, you already had the other.
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  10. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Hmm maybe I am just crazy then. I thought it was weird when my buddy Qued us into Wayward when my cr was 66 at the time.
    The healer bit from the prize box bumped me up to 71 tho for sure.
  11. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Maybe I got something that I sold to the vendor earlier that bumped overall cr by being in my inventory? Could be that I guess.
    Weird that Steel was too lazy to call for that long
  12. Sbel Devoted Player

    It may have. I haven't been playing anything low, so I wouldn't have noticed if there is a bug.
  13. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    I'll hold off putting it in the bug section. It is possible that I'm mistaken somehow. There is certainly something screwy going on tho,maybe something buggy other than what I think it is or something, maybe just the new CR calculations coupled with the forever buggy messaging from Steel threw me off? That guy talks to me for no reason at weird times pretty often anyway lol. I dunno. It was weird.
    I'll write down my numbers before and after runs the next few days and see what happens.
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  14. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You shouldn't have been able to queue into Wayward Souls at 66 at all, the minimum is 70. Are you sure you're not mixing up equipped CR with max CR?
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  15. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    Yep, that had to be it. I am sure now, too. You cannot even go in WWS without a 70. As far as the speech, there is sometimes some serious lag in speeches. I have had Oracle talk about Batman, long after I left the Batcave and was in a FoS raid. so yeah, you had to have a CR 70, Overall, and a 66 Equipped, or you never saw WWS.
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  16. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Yeah, it's something like that, maybe the worthless 78 ring I have that has smaller stats than the 24 rings I'm still using(lol) inflated my cr.
    None of the stats all of the inflated cr, glad I got that. LOL
  17. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Off role gear increses CR.

    And add it to the tracker ;).
  18. Ambersbuzz New Player

    Yet another minor implementation with a major impact, thanks GU 47. It no longer needs to be equipped, just bought or gotten from drops and bam , your CR has a chance to increase. It's almost impossible now to plan out CR progression and still stay in their relevant teir without accidentally scaling the CR ladder. Well done DCUO, this is the worst update ever.
  19. Derio 15000 Post Club

    This is True. Off role gear does boost CR. I have a 121CR healer but my max CR is 123. My dps CR is 118. I have no clue where those 2 CR are coming from, unless the game wants me to mix my healer gear with my dps gear.
  20. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Off role gear has always bumped up overall CR. There was NO change to this from the day I started playing back in November 2013.