Noob gear question

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by scotch74, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. scotch74 New Player

    Veteran pve player..reluctantly getting into pvp for feats....question: why is only dps gear and weapons avail at the pvp vendors in the watchtower wings? I recall a long time ago buying avatar bombardier gear specifically on my controller role. Is pvp gear now "unattuned" or something? I know there's been a million changes since last I waded into the murky depths of pvp.
  2. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    I wouldn't exactly call it "dps gear" so much as it is "Role-less" gear. Once you have all a set of PvP gear, what will separate a tank from a healer will be Prefab mods that you choose and where your skill points are allocated. And since they're are no socket bonuses, you can put any type of prefab mod in your gear in any socket. Just know that mods get more expensive as you reach CR 100, and that they can only be used for PvP armor.
  3. scotch74 New Player

    That helps. Thank you