No response from support team

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by OVERWATCH, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. OVERWATCH Well-Known Player

    I had created a ticket 5 days ago related to the market place issues, within that day i got the reply from one of the GMs. He told me that he was escalating my ticket to the billing department. Since then (5 days) i have received no reply what so ever, i have already informed them that i will create a new ticket if this one isnt responded to within 2 days. Here is my ticket number : #131121-000006 . I do know that the support team is busy most of the time, but 5 days is just too much.
  2. Rush New Player

    there is something strange going on with technical issues, ticket times, and the support department. It's like everything but the PS4 has been put on hold? idk maybe im crazy.
  3. OVERWATCH Well-Known Player

    Yes Rush, there are many other people who are just sitting there with a ticket that is receiving no replies from the support team. Maybe the here is the PS4's launch. The entire support team is probably working on those issues. But the unusual thing here is that non of the threads made in the past few days have not been responded to by a support staff member. What is keeping them away?
  4. Rush New Player

    we're out of donuts with sprinkles.. thats what it is.
  5. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    The last post of the tech-staff that usually lurks these parts of the forum is from almost 3 weeks ago :(.

    Are they planning to end forum support? Or did they already? Alex and Sean did an awesome job - will they be gone forever?
  6. Dannyboy201 New Player

    Still waiting for some ***** SUpport as well. All i want to do is play a game that used to work fine on High settings. My Pc has not changed and is fine, its your mother ******* game that changed. Get your thumbs out of your godamn ***** Sony!
  7. Rhys Myrrdyn New Player

    I have noticed that there has been a surprising lack of response on the Forums from any sort of Moderator or other person of authority on here. I had thought it was just the issue I and others like me are having that wasn't getting attention, but when I saw this thread, I started wondering. I figure it could only be one of a couple of things. One being that their attention is on something else atm, or it could be that with the holiday season, support isn't staffed as well as it would normally be. I'm really starting to wonder if my decision to come back to the game as Legendary was a good one after all.