No pvp love for quantum

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Doc Voodoo, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Doc Voodoo New Player

    Seems like every power gets an update then hits like a freight train in pvp, except quantum. Our Am is unusable in pvp and we still rely on old loadouts and have to use precision on a might based power. Meanwhile rage, nature, HL , Mental, Ice ,Gadgets, (not even gonna start on fire tanks and sorcery healers) ect....can melt your health bar in seconds. Everyone kicked and screamed when quantum got it's buff in pve b/c of scoreboard chasers. Where is our pvp love? It sucks being having such weak powers, but I'm not into flavor of the month power swapping.
  2. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Well realisticly, Quantum is more balanced then other powers in PvP, and what they should be.
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  3. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Lol munitions has it worse for wear.
    You're am thing is you're op in pve, pvp you're not supposed to be using the AM 1 bit.
  4. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    There really isn't any love for PvP lately.
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  5. Doc Voodoo New Player

    Lol....last thing I wanna see while discussing pvp.....another dog.
  6. Zeronu Level 30

    In PVP, Quantum vulnerabilities needs to be like Mental since they have basically the same AM. Time Bomb being vulnerable to interrupt and inflict Blockbreakers and the setup powers (TB, DW, TS, etc) being low safe damage like Mental's setup powers (PS, PF, etc), this way you can use the AM in a counter punish scenario.
  7. Doom Patroller Active Player

    YES. Because we don't want powers to be any different from one another, right?


  8. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    I dont recall the loadout, but quantum has a good one for PvP, but as someone said above, it's a lot like munitions, you dont go in and combo the hell out of your powers, instead you have power and weapon "support" each other, done right it can melt bars tho still not as fast as a rage/ice guy on full AM, but enough to have a fair chance. (Even more if you take into account their vulnerability to counters)