No more separate power updates. It's time for 1 major update.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aixon Junior, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. Aixon Junior New Player

    A lot of people including me, are done waiting to see which pair of powers are going to be fixed/ made op next. It's time to stop with the separate power updates.

    The devs fail to realize that power balance is gonna stay out of control of they continue to work on them like this. They keep updating power after power and they wonder why balance is such a struggle.

    Instead of looking at 1-2 powers at once, they need to look at all the powers together to see what needs updating and what doesn't. Every power needs to be on Parr with each other and in order to do that, they need to look at them all, all at once. It really isn't that hard. I don't understand why they won't do that.
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  2. Backseid Devoted Player

    It will never happen. It's not even possible.

    What we should do (hate it or not) is make all powers role specific.

    These three powers are DPS

    These three Controller


    Enough is enough.
  3. Dogico Loyal Player

    Provide the solution for power imbalances please.
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  4. Antwoman Dedicated Player

    Well I wouldn't say impossible it would take longer. If they took all the powers and balance them say staying 6 months and released it in an update it would have worked. The problem is the community isn't patience so they are doing the updates some at a time, in reality it would have been better ot do them all at once and make us wait. Even now the powers aren't truly balance, watch there will be someone who points out this or that on a power and we will be right back here or a power will become OP or nerfed over night. Also the AM's might be still off on some powers plus the roles still need balancing and after that it could effect DPS side which in turn could cause more balancing. I don't think we will ever see true balancing, just close enough for now.
  5. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Simple.. A Daybreak company that doesn't rely on Fotm Sales for Money. Just saying.
  6. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Well Not really rely on it, but More or less get a huge amount of profit from A flavor of the month powerset.
  7. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    no we shouldn't
  8. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    How about we remove powersets, add a couple more "iconic" powers and let players pick an effect theme for WM instead? I think that should help in balancing a lot.....
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  9. Antwoman Dedicated Player

    better than my idea of givng everyone pointy sticks and just let them go after Braniac....
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  10. Aixon Junior New Player

    Well then the devs are just going to half to make us wait.
    I personally would wait a lifetime if I know that my fire dps will be able to keep us with a quantum or munitions dps.

    It's best to wait because the more patience you have, the more the reward will pay off
  11. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I'd rather not..
    There's 3 powersets on test already, they're not getting the attention they need..
    So My vote goes no
  12. Aixon Junior New Player

    Let them update the 3 and then focus on balancing the rest all at once
  13. Yui Loyal Player

    They're never going to do this. They should but they're never going to. The main reason is they make a lot of money from this.

    As long as they're making a lot of money for making powers FOTM, they're not going to make all power sets balanced in one single update.

    I mean sure they're eventually gonna bring up powers in line with the current OP powers, but eventually, they're gonna make one single power set more OP than the other power sets then the cycle starts all over again.
  14. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    don't worry about the scoreboard and it won't matter which power you use. Just use the one you enjoy most.
  15. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    u kidding me they are getting updated be pacient
  16. Kal~el Committed Player

    They do not want the powers to be balanced. They would have already done so if they did. They want balance in the game. Two totally different concepts. You can achieve balance in the game but the powers be out of balance by adding weapon mastery, advance mechanics, or making damaged out based up your cr etc. See where I am going.

    There are 5 levels in every tree of each power set and each power on those levels should do the same amount of damage but increase as you go down each level. So, first level power does X damage, level two does x damage but more than the previous level and so on. This damage is calculated without any stats effecting it. When an individual toon casts that power then the damage output would then be effected by the stats that govern the output such as might, vitalization, restoration, etc.

    It seems simple to me but what do I know.
  17. Capt Coolade Active Player

    maybe get a team who know what they are doing, after 4 years these devs still aint got a clue...
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  18. The THlNG Active Player

    Won't happen for multiple reasons. If they wanted a power to be completely balanced after an update they could make it so, but that wouldn't result in as many power change tokens as making said power OP. Want all powers to be balanced? Find a way for Daybreak to make an immediate and substantial amount of money for doing so.
  19. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Now that we know what to wear, mods, etc for testing we all can get better results. We also know that melee is anything from 12.5m away up to 0 meters.

    With all of that said...can we please get drum roll please...

    Damage baseline for Melee vs Range...
  20. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    Well they just lost the ability for that profit after this update, at least for people changing to the powers they "just updated."