no more clipping?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by shaun10656, May 16, 2013.

  1. shaun10656 New Player

    what would happen to the players and this game if clipping was to be removed entirely from the game?
  2. Radium Devoted Player

    Id be gone.
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  3. Woodler New Player

    the, game, would, become, very, very, s-l-o-w... imo of course
  4. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    The game would die.

    It would become too slow and people would leave.

    PvP would be a dead thing since you wouldn't be able to kill anyone through the heals without clipping.
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  5. Meta Flare New Player

    What they said.

    Also I thought this was going to be yet another anti clipping rage fest.
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  6. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    The game would be very difficult to destroy.
  7. petvpets New Player

    Wont happen, cant happen. Commence flame war
  8. Taggerung New Player

    Clipping only exists so that the people who want to see the cool animations have the option to do so. If clipping were removed the animation times for all powers would HAVE to be removed or heavily reduced.
  9. Orca New Player

    No clipping rage?
    Very misleading.
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  10. DrewCheech New Player

    I just recently discovered the magic of clipping.
    I kill faster, and die less.
    I'd still play if it weren't available.
    Now knowing the difference it makes, I would be sad though :(
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  11. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    lots of healers and dps's would start a riot
  12. Itazuki New Player

    The game would be boring..
  13. razor Red New Player

  14. MARK2099 New Player

    Move to another game probably, game become slower since the addition of inmunities with so many players playing turtle, make even slow the pvp with no be able to clip would be like kill the game imo.
  15. Dee Pius New Player

    .... and your teammates like you more.

    Clipping is what it's all about. IMO it's the biggest factor between a good player and bad one, & determines whether i'll want to play with you again/add to friends list.

    Clipping=skill which > CR which is > SPs. We all know the equasion. If you dont know how to clip and you are T5 or 100sp, i strongly suggests you learn, as it will help your "Game" more than replay badges OR feat-grinding will.

  16. shaun10656 New Player

    I just find it weird how this game is based on a bug
  17. ISO-Muay-Thai New Player

  18. Aiden Warren New Player

    people will still use speedhacks in pvp :D
  19. Chuccles New Player

    Seems weird that people say they would quit if they could no longer clip.Seriously? so when you first started playing this game your first thought was to hell with a playable dc universe if I cant clip f this game. lol cmon man
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  20. Kristyana New Player

    When the game first launched? Probably had a point.

    But now that the developers have embraced clipping and do it themselves, there are certain encounters that are nearly impossible to complete if you don't clip, like healing through insane damage or during DPS races.
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