No major updates/features?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Revafall, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. Revafall Well-Known Player

    I have noticed that it's been quite a very long time since DCUO has had any major update to its systems or implementations of new features etc. while other MMOs are releasing lots of new systems and changes that makes people want to get in and play. But DCUO just keeps following the same old "new episode, same content structure and mechanics" route... Are we getting out of ideas or too comfortable with things and not striving to outdo yourselves?

    When can we expect to see something new and exciting tech and systems/improvements that pushes the game forward towards modern, like improved character animations during cut-scenes and character customisation (Not another way to make money, but actually improve player experience)?

    PvP fixed? I can't believe a company completely neglects an entire system just because they don't know how to fix it... At least try and make it work, instead of not doing anything at all... You can't please all the players who will complain about balancing - But not doing anything at all, is not very professional in my opinion and comes of as laziness.

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  2. EvilDeeds Active Player

    this is what this game needs badly mainly new character customization and animations
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  3. Revafall Well-Known Player

    I know right? I go play other games and I come back to DCUO and just realise how the animations are constantly reused and looks plain horrible compared to any other game. I don't mean to be negative towards devs but I think it's called for, when no effort is made to improve things...
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  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If this was still a subscription-based game where you HAD to sub to play it, there might be more of an argument made about getting more character customization possibilities without having to pay extra. But that isn't the case any more, so finding new/extra income sources to supplement what ISN'T coming in via subs is a bit of a necessary evil.

    As for animations, it could be a matter of "is it really worth the investment?" kind of thing. Even though we've got systems that can handle things better now than at launch, from what I understand making new animations isn't easy OR cheap. It's one of the reasons we haven't seen any new weapons, if I remember correctly. Plus we've had a steady influx of new gear, hairstyles, auras, materials and accessories so I don't really think we can say they haven't done much there. Heck, they even managed to come up with a new kind of material (Chromas) that allow for more customization while using materials.

    And PvP? They've tried. Multiple times. And just about every time they get an uproar of some kind because someone somewhere in the PvP community raises a stink about what was done. So they did state that it would be EXTREMELY helpful if the PvP community could come to a consensus of sorts about what they want/would like to see before starting in on trying to make any changes. Can't really say there's been many serious attempts by the PvP community to come to a consensus since then, unfortunately.

    Just asking them to "fix it" isn't enough.
  5. Revafall Well-Known Player

    I don't mind giving money to a product that's worth paying for so I don't really see that being a problem, but it is when it has GREED written all over it and the price doesn't justify the value.

    In terms of PvP, as I said: You will never be able to please everybody and you can't appeal to only the "pvp community" you have to think of all the different players the game has and then try to make something for everybody to enjoy. It can't be right that we as players have to tell devs how to fix their own product, it's good that they see it from a community perspective and say that players can't agree, but I think it's being used more as an excuse not to go forward with development on it, because at least they can try and do things right by partly listening to what the community wants and then what they as dev team thinks will make things better.

    Fixing it is not simple but taking action is. But that's what they're getting paid for, is to come up with ways to improve what's already there. They should say: "Okay, our players can't seem to agree, so we will take a bit of what they are asking for and mix it up with our own way of developing it and then if they don't like it then, we can't really do more than we have." But they are not doing that, they are using our disagreement as an excuse not to take action, because it's all a big mess they don't know how to get started on... Not good...
  6. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Unfortunately anything new and exciting is most likely going to be behind an over the top pay wall. We got new exciting styles, accessories, and materials. Released in time capsules with horrible drop rates. We got artifacts to supplement and modify our powers to give flexibility and customization. Horrible breakthrough chances requiring the purchase of seals or burning through tons of catalysts.
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  7. Wallflower Level 30

    The last time they even remotely tried to improve the experience was over a year ago with their Spring Cleaning which had the new skins and revamped tutorial. This was only done for the Switch launch and was half-*****. With the current management I honestly don't think we'll see any improvements made to the game anytime soon.
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  8. Lugo Well-Known Player

    remember those power revamps?
    what a time
  9. Kuno Loyal Player

    I think what we need more is to expand and add new cool habilities to existing powersets and new iconic powers.
    Since new powers and new weapons or movement powers are not going to happen that is the minimun we could get.
    We need new toys, the themed orbitals and henchmen are a step in a good direction but we need more.
    Even if those new habilities and iconics are only for members or we have to buy them so the devs can monetize them and justify the resources.

    New customization besides auras/materials/chromas would be cool too, they are too heavily focused on them and thats not everyone's tea.

    New arcs, maps and zones are a no no.
  10. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    If we were to get shiny new toys, I'd guess that they'd be more likely to be targeted to the PS5 launch and/or 10th Anniversary.