No love for the Paradox Wave Teleporter in the hotfix?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DCUO Addict, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I'm really looking forward to the Paradox Wave teleporter coming back, so I was sad to see it wasnt't in the update notes. :(

    Not ranting, just asking for this back, or maybe an update on the status. Pretty please?

    While I'm wishing for things, I'll also mention
    - exceptiinal recovery kits
    - T7 synth mods and T8 base mods in vendor
    - walk-ins for all instances
    - being able to tribute my many stacks of tokens of merit
    - more reasonable R&D costs
    - a unicorn (oh wait, Trinket is sitting right in my base)

    I did say pretty please! :D
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  2. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    Don't forget prefabs for us pvpers ;). It was dumb that they took it away in the first place. Sure people crashed, but i'm willing to bet they'd want that over not being able to get quick marks
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  3. Pack_Mane Well-Known Player

    Yes I would pvp All Day if prefabs were updated

    I don't care if they cost more Marks too
  4. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Walk-in for all instances would cause issues such as no one queuing anymore lol.
  5. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    Nice addition to the list!

    I understand you point, but history tells a different story. There have been walkins for all the T2-T5 raids (not the operations) since they came out. You can walk into Ace Chemicals, Arkham, Trigon's Prison, Watchtower and Striker's Island, and queues still pop for these.
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  6. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Reread the post in regards to the loot picker. That was about Dox.
  7. SnowStar Committed Player

    Not sure if this is the right place but here I am. I queued into Paradox Wave, PC US, and it crashed after the 3rd loot pick after being locked out from not being able to get into the Epicness Odyssyusness. so crashing is not just restricted to the walk-in. And yes, this PC/laptop is up to par for specs.