No letter from the director, no DCUO 2021 annual review, no 2022 roadmap...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, Jan 29, 2022.

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  1. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    It's a strange time of year on DCUO, because this year we didn't get a letter from the director of DCUO, no annual report on DCUO, sorry I don't have the exact name of it anymore, but you know that page of annual statistics, power of the most players, number of players, that kind of thing, it leads the players to some questions, the fact of not having its end/beginning of the year news, nor even a roadmap for 2022...
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    It's most likely the reason for it being so late is due to the other issues the teams at Daybreak have been dealing with. These reports need inputs from several other departments, and then someone has to collate all that data, format it into a presentation / report, review it with the other peer groups, all before first presenting it to management. After all of that, then management approves what will be disseminated to the general public. This is the how it is done where I work, so I figure it is pretty much a common practice at other companies.

    I know it is frustrating not know what is going on with the game we all love so much. I would encourage all to be patient. I'm sure someone(s) at Daybreak are working extra hard to prepare the various reports, possibly even working today which should be their day off. I have had to do that and it's not fun.
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  3. JDIRS Well-Known Player

    My main concern tends to be that nothing particularly innovative is planned and we will just get more of the existing repetitive content cycle as usual, i.e., meet the new boss - same as the old boss.
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  4. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    what he said
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    Last thing mentioned was from Mepps saying they were dealing with recent issues and will have something for January. Most likely Monday? Maybe?
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  6. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    The game has gotten quite repetitive.

    Episode release
    2 weeks later double current marks
    2 weeks before next Episode triple or double marks again
    new Episode.

    And inside those 3 months... the Episode are just go in, do the same things, slightly different mechanics, collect. Farm
    Early days, they atleast tried to do things to give us a break, or tried to not make the game repetitive. They threw in open world missions in gotham and metropolis. Now I know I haven't been to G or M in need.

    They tried breaking up the Episodes so you get a part of it every month... they stopped that. Now the only people I think at daybreak that does something different is the art guys when they aren't reusing old content. Gameplay teams and mission makers seem to just like cookie cutter missions.

    Missions are like - Go in, kill adds on way to boss, kill boss, kill adds on way to boss, kill boss, kill adds on way to boss, kill boss, collect rewards, leave, and repeat.

    Throw in some twists between the boss fights, make a random villian at random times between boss fights try to stop you or kill you... something. Even solo, when your out and about, make a random event that pops up (burglary, holdup, etc...). Something random non-missions that you have to collect from an NPC, call them heroic duties. Villain side could be like they get an alert that a bank is ripe for robbing and you try. Something.

    And rewards for these shouldn't be some obsolete crap noone needs anymore... but something that helps you progress like current marks, nth metal, ally xp, etc....
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  7. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    Yeah that is my concern as well and of course a new Ally ,new tc and same old seasonals and then eventually a new booster bundle . This is not enjoyable to me in the slightest same old same old pattern . It is time for me to take a much needed break.
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  8. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    The pattern is always (since I've been playing, and excluding Ep 41):
    Episode Release
    1 month - 2x currency
    2 month - 3x currency
    3 month - 2x currency again
    New episode

    But I understand your point entirely.
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  9. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    I agree with you that the game remains too much on a given, with a routine formula more and more boring, because of a cruel lack of innovation.

    But the topic here is more about the lack of the usual end/beginning of the year communication ^^
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  10. ClowninAround Well-Known Player

    2022 Roadmap is as follows:

    Underwhelming DLC around April
    Save The Universe returns around August with more instances nobody wants upscaled
    Super buggy DLC will drop just in time for the holidays

    And expect all new cash grabs.... my bad.... I mean Allies throughout the year.
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  11. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Liking it or not, content was pretty different last year. I think the actual episodes werent the best, but the game went full free to play, with no loot locks on early content, they developed the tech to upscale old content, the SM was the most popular ever and they started to revamp the servers, plus allies and new bonus weeks.

    I hope this year they give us better structured episodes and a new take on open world dailies, that were repetitive, but yall cant say what they gave us last year was all expected.

    Mepps said the letter was planned for January, but waiting on a few things first.
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  12. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    We never get annual statistics though, they were released once back during the stream with kinda funny games, a decade ago and again for Anniversary. Number of players was released once for investors to justify DCUO was worth buying.

    What is missing mostly rn is the roadmap and the letter talking about the past.
  13. myandria Item Storage

    Well, this is to be expected; the recent artifact exploit took the time and resources away from DCUO "Annual Reports" and focused them on dealing with those who took advantage of it. In my opinion, the dev's schedule has now been "revised" because of dealing with that exploit; we will have to wait until the devs announce what is coming up in the near/far future.

    Perhaps within the next quarter they will have another upcoming launch roadmap that we can follow. Until then, I'm not going to worry about an "Annual Report".
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  14. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I'm just curious about what the new monthly reward is next month nevermind the roadmap for upcoming future? Aren't we doing February on Tuesday?
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  15. zNot Loyal Player

    I really hope we can see a big overhaul to future episodes.. we need more content and 2 raids..
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  16. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I could go without the open world, with the time they took to make atlantis, thangar , 31st and dc they could have put out a new map and end game open world events like prison escapes and rogue gallery robberies
  17. Doctor Nova Devoted Player


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  18. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    I actually think they should release regular STU content. Especially considering there are no new feats attached that aren’t progressive.

    They do 1 raid & alert every few months for a week, similar to bonus weeks.

    The last format where it was on for months was awful, but necessary to establish it. I have no real issue with rehash & upscale etc but it shouldn’t be a fully fledged season like last time.
  19. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Well Charon said this

    He also mentioned a possible return of SM with 6man teams.
    So some things have been leaked.
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  20. Emoney Loyal Player

    Just off the top of my head, if I were a content creator...
    I'd scope out all of the different businesses in Gotham and Metropolis....I've seen some restaurant signs, jewelry stores etc...
    Design small indoor environments relating to each place, like a front and back of a restaurant, displays in front for jewelry and offices in back, waiting room and vault of a bank etc.

    Put the portals outside of those places in Metro and Gotham.

    Every so often, have our mentor, police scanner, or a random tip from a villain to prompt us to go to one of these places.
    Go in the restaurant, bank store etc, and interrupt, or assist the heist. Heroes take out room of thugs, then a big time villain in the back. Villains go in just before cops show up, fight them, then a big time hero.

    Thatd be different, easy to make, and fun, at least to me. They could get really creative with combinations, and feats for different scenarios.
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