No Iconic Heroes or Villains (Gotham)

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Ragnarok, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. Ragnarok Well-Known Player

    Had no difficulty finding anyone in Metro. Now that I've swapped to Gotham, I've spent 3 hours fast-flying the batman loop (5 spots) without a single Batman spawn. I have however, spotted Larfreeze at least a dozen times. Is this working as intended? For Larfreeze to supplant all of the iconics? If a dev or mod could clear this up that would be great, thanks.
  2. Ragnarok Well-Known Player

    Still no one except Larfreeze appears. Is this how things are with the Winter Holiday? I missed last year's so I can't recall. I don't mind waiting to complete those feats on my new toon, but any information would help. (And yes, I'm quite familiar with how those feats are obtained and how finicky they can be, however, Batman - in particular - is simply not spawning at any of five locations, at all).
  3. Entity Committed Player

    Yea during the seasonal Larfreeze replaces everyone
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  4. Ragnarok Well-Known Player

    Thanks. Won't waste my time till after then :) Happy holidays!
  5. Deserter Level 30

    I had the same issue during the Halloween event, found the Metropolis Iconics fine but none in Gotham. Once the event ended I found the Gotham Iconics easily.