No Crit weapon attack chance in current effects.

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Kyzax, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Kyzax New Player

    Not sure if this was intended or a bug that occurred with the launch of GU44/DLC 13, but since the launch of the two I've noticed that under current effects neither the 15% Critical Weapon Attack Chance for melee weapons or 20% Critical Weapon Attack Chance for WM (Weapon Mastery) has been displayed. Not sure if we are still receiving the bonus despite the effect not being displayed or if we are no longer receiving the effect.
  2. HazeTA New Player

    It's happening with the max damage mod, it was a couple of weeks ago with HL combos at least, haven't tested it on other powers, it's dropping off the current effect list but is still being received. Hopefully the crit one is just doing the same and not more of a serious bug.
  3. Kyzax New Player

    I've noticed the drop of the control resistance and crit weapon attack chance from current effects on all of my toons regardless of power type. I really hope it's not due to having Max Damage tactical mod and is just a bug.
  4. Eminence Dedicated Player

    15% crit chance from melee weapons?

    I thought it was just a crit damage increase....
  5. HazeTA New Player

    I haven't notice/looked recently, haven't noticed a damage reduction on crits either, so yh, hopefully it's just a text bug like the max dmg one for HL.
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  6. Kyzax New Player

    Perhaps I'm forgetting the exact wording, for that I apologize, but regardless it's not showing under current effects.