No bonus week

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MsTickle Fate, May 28, 2020.

  1. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    No bonus week until June 4th? A week with zero bonus, instead? I thought every week was going to be a bonus week for the time being?

    Obviously, we have another boss to spam or do one whole time this week without replays, but doing an ordinary boss once isn't exactly special or even any kind of bonus at all; it's just the norm in the schedule nowadays. Ditto the extra rewards. That's just the normal schedule.

    Obviously, by definition, a bonus is something extra and is a gift and I am thankful for all bonuses and gifts.

    So in no way is this a complaint at the lack of bonus for this week. We, the players, aren't owed any bonuses. I am grateful for all past bonus weekends and weeks and for those still upcoming.

    But I do want to say that it's both disappointing and somewhat inexplicable to skip so there are no bonuses this week. It would have hurt to make this a bonus week, too, in some way? Or been so much trouble? :(

    Meanwhile, may everyone stay safe and have fun and thanks to all for their contributions to everyone having a fun time. Hopefully you will continue extending Open Episodes, as well, for another couple or more months.

    (Really, it's very unlikely we'll have a "normal" until there are enough tests for everyone and there's a vaccine, which probably means about another year and a half or two, not another month or three, but I undertstand why Daybreak would want to take matters one step at a time.)
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  2. Wallflower Level 30

    Still sounds like a complaint to me. You can dress it up however you like.
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  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    You got 3 feats, 8 more weekly marks, some styles, trinkets, emblems, a resurgeance that even if you don't invest in it, can yield you some items from the broker. There is your bonus.

    In fact, let's drop the bonus weeks entirely. Yeah the world is upside down right now, then again, companies do stuff like this also because a) it engages more with players b) it can somewhat improve their image and c) it gives players that are now "forced" to play more stuff to do on top or whatever.

    I'm kinda tired of these threads. No matter if it's "just asking" or a complaint. Bottom line, I see no difference there. Both are asking (for different) reasons why there isn't something they were expecting. Why even expect anything.

    I think the devs are doing some nice things with the bonus weeks, a super-long open episode program and additionally delivering on both Resurgeances and (also somewhat expected) bonus bosses, more feats more styles and trickets.
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  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This a launch week, with a new boss/rewards and resurgence.
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  5. Dub T Well-Known Player

    This is reminds me of when people say “With all due respect” then follow it up with a disrespectful statement.

    Merriam-Webster ‘bonus’ definition: “something in addition to what is expected or strictly due.” 4 new feats, 2 new weapon skins, 8 more weekly marks, and a brand new world boss, plus more not mentioned is literally the definition of bonus, just saying.
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  6. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    Now do 'due.'
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  7. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    credit where credit's due, &, as far as I'm concerned, the devs have gone way over & above what I would have expected from them to keep us happy ever since this cr*p kicked in. serious, I got no complaints. not a single one. & if this turned out to be the very last of the bonus weeks, I'd still be tipping me 'at to 'em. so, thankyou, devs. I mean it.
  8. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    If you are tired of reading polite inquiries, you can always skip past them.

    If I listed all the kinds of posts I've been sick to death of for many years, we'd be here all day.

    Mepps wrote:
    Thank you for the DCUO perspective and explanation.
  9. Schimaera Devoted Player

    And that's the thing. As others here have pointed out, phrasing something 'politely' doesn't make it polite. I worked in sales, team and executive management for quite some time and communication is always a matter of two things. The message you're sending is as important as how you're sending it. In some cases even, one outweights the other.

    And just looking at your opening post, this made it clear to me:

    First, you open with the plain questions with some pretty specific words. "zero bonus, instead?" "I thought every week was going to be [...] for the time being". This in itself can come off somewhat indicting
    Then, you take on the fact that we indeed got new things for free but phrased them negatively ("another boss to spam" | "isn't [...] special or even any kind of bonus[...]".
    The fact that you still got something on top was just qualified as something you were expecting anyway because it's just normal and nothing special.
    Following this, you claim that it is in no way a complaint and in the next sentence afterwards you start with a "but" and added the adjectives "inexplicable" and "disappointing", again connoting the new BoP introductions in a negative way.

    The rest is, well okay I guess. It's actually a pretty understanding approach of what's going on right now everywhere and that you both hope everyone still has some fun and stays save. I like it and hope you mean every word of it. We have enough crazies out there anyways ^_^

    But yeah, I think I just wanted to point out how you came off to others and why that was. No matter what, you probably expected something to happen and it did not happen anyways. So some level of frustration just from your perspective is something I can totally understand. Matter of fact, I wondered yesterday why there was new bonus week announcement. But then I saw the BoP extras announcement this morning and I just thought "Oh that's right. This is also cool; some new styles and whatnot". So no hard feelings.

    Maybe some reason for my response was, that not only was this week with the bonus episode stuff announced way earlier than just today, but also because it was pretty obvious.