New UI clearance/request

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Serj, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Serj Committed Player

    can a green name chime in on this:
    would it be possible to copy/paste links etc from outside the game?
    it would be great to also be able to link stuff in chat and copy/paste from chat.

    thank you :)
    • Like x 4
  2. Pez Fedora Developer

    No promises, but the team is going to look into it.

    Thanks for the suggestion.
    • Like x 3
  3. Nuubia Well-Known Player

    Yes please! I think this would be cool too if we add a Character info tab, when you preview someones character, where you have an "about me" and can link to our enjin or DCUO forum profile page or something social of the sort.

    Also is anything planned or in the works to integrate a combat analyzer into the game like this: here

    The combat log tab is really not good and you can't really get much useful information out of it.

    My idea would be to have a separate feature for this OR have a test dummy scoreboard analyzer in which you start a testing instance and when you stop it gives you a scoreboard with all the analysis.

    Just throwing ideas out there.
  4. Serj Committed Player

    thank you!
  5. Shinji Firudo Active Player

    I know this post was weeks ago but i agree that there would be major benefits especially those who are recruiting for league who would be able to post a URL link of the league website so accessing information about a league who annocounces recruitment will be quicker and more efficent (also it's best if you did find the time to implement the feature that soe are not responsible for any computer damage caused by 3rd party links people post in the terms and conditions cause lets face it we'd like to think no one that plays dcuo is that bad but people like that do exist out there so players must be able to accept that there's risks to clicking a url when it may be a dangerous site)
    be sure to get a filtering firewall that doesn't block the game from going online but still blocks unwanted or otherwise dangerous sites so you don't click a disguised link to trojans ville.
    but otherwise with caution the benefits outweigh the risks right
  6. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    Yes please :D So people can finally enter the TS without writing the address incorrectly lol