New League looking for members

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Dr.QuantumX, May 8, 2013.

  1. Dr.QuantumX New Player

    Started a league today, Quantum Elites and looking for active members to add to the ranks! All levels, roles, and power set welcomed! Looking for active members to help one another through the game, alerts, raids, etc. either message me here on this the end thread or in game toon name is DrQuantumx! Hope to hear from you soon! All questions welcomed!
  2. Doctor Erevos Committed Player

    Team and server would help you. :)
  3. TerrorQuantum New Player

    yea dude are you USPS3
  4. Dr.QuantumX New Player

    Yea on USPS3 i'll send you the invite to TerrorQuantum
  5. Dr.QuantumX New Player

    We're still looking for active players who want to join a league! We'll start organizing for duals, alerts, and raids! Join now, wether you're lvl 1 or 30, fire,light, or quantum, all are welcomed!
  6. WonderValkyrie New Player

    might wanna say if hero or villain
    • Like x 1
  7. TerrorQuantum New Player

    Dude send me one I'm a villain named QuantumTerror I decided against TerrorQuantum
  8. Dr.QuantumX New Player

    Quantum Elite is a Hero league that is still looking for active members! All levels are welcomed, all powers are welcomed! We have members just starting out and members at level 30 that are able to do alerts and raids. We prefer members that are able to voice chat so that we're better able to communicate with one another. Shortly we will begin to organize to do joint alerts and raids, and a web page in the near future as well! So if you're looking for a league with active players, either post on this forum your toon name or send me a message in game to DrQuantumX! we hope to hear from you soon!
  9. KBrutus New Player

    what's up bros, I'm a hero level 30 fire tank cr 40, my current league seems to never log in, I wonder if it is because I'm still in the pledging phase but I've been playing since 2011 and have yet to do any raids within my own name is FEUNOIR meaning black fire in french...and I would like to join.
  10. Dr.QuantumX New Player

    we would love to have you, add me in game DrQuantumX and i'll send you the invite to the league! im on daily in the evenings as well as a couple others!
  11. Dr.QuantumX New Player

    we're also on the USPS3!
  12. KBrutus New Player

    Unfortunately due to work and school I am on mostly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I hope it is not an issue like most leagues requires that their players to log in daily.
  13. WiseGuy00 New Player

    Send me a message ingame, name is Van Shock. I'd love to join. :)
  14. Dr.QuantumX New Player

    Not at all, whenever you're able to get on and join in would be great! we're a newer league, just there to help one another and have fun!
    • Like x 1
  15. Dr.QuantumX New Player

    will send you invite! welcome to the league!
  16. VanShock New Player

    Sorry, I wasn't on when you sent the invite. I am on now though.
  17. KBrutus New Player

    Ok bro, I sent the request.
  18. sbutcher1001 New Player

    Hello Dr. QuantumX!
    I am looking for a league like yours. (Adults, no antics, helpful to members, respect for others, and just playing for fun).
    I work well in teams. I'm fine with following the mission leader, I have no ego to massage with most kills, etc..
    I just like to explore, collect loot, and complete missions.
    I'm a lvl 30 iceman brawler w/flight mobility. I am available for Tank and Damage duties.
    I can get a mic if that is required, but as of now I do not have one for the PS3. I live in US Eastern TZ and play nights and weekends.
    I teach for living and it is summer, so....I have time to play more over the next 3.5 months than usual.
    I do not have a villian character, but I would be willing to develop one for the group if you want me to join and have villian outings too.
    My handle is UberWing
    Give me a shout if you want me to join.
  19. Rockin earth New Player

    i have a quantum charcter whose toon name is quantum rebeler are u hero if you are can i join league
  20. Rockin earth New Player