New in the Marketplace: Artifact XP Packs

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. Jensu Well-Known Player

    Thanks kelps this will help with my alts as well
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The Artifact Starter Pack now has 40k Artifact XP.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    At least I guess if you're going to introduce a pay2win element, which I honestly think this is its better to be open and transparent with it and although I don't necessarily support the sentiment involved with allowing people the ability to pay2win I also appreciate that this is transparent and not hidden behind RNG you can work out what it's going to cost.

    Of course the higher the artifacts do in terms of levels the more unreasonable this will all become in my opinion.
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  4. Hawk Active Player

    Any plans to not just make this a one time deal? With the artifacts we have now and will potentially have in the future, I'd like to have well options.
  5. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    These MP items are here to stay, I think you misunderstood :)
  6. Dagyr Doom Level 30

    Just a few questions and I apologize if these have been asked already & I missed it.
    It concerns the very bit at the bottom.

    (Artifact XP is no longer sold for Marks by Constantine in the HQs.)

    So is Constantine going to sell anything at all?
    Will this effect the (Oblivion Bar Scenario)??
    You ain't gonna kill him off altogether I hope.

  7. SethStar New Player

    Thank you!
  8. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    There's that phrase again. PL:EASE tell me how you "win" an open ended game.
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  9. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Wow, even more than I expected. Thanks for the reply.
  10. Proxystar #Perception

    The artifacts give quite a meaningful boost to a players abilities, we don't always agree in terms of which ones might be best in every scenario but they do provide a meaningful benefit.

    Currently the maximum level is 160 so that is the current end, you have two choices spend months and months leveling up an artifact and trust me it takes months or you can pay $50 and be done with and reach the current end.

    This is paying2win especially when obtaining the artifacts gives you a distinct advantage over players that don't have them.

    Players that then have certain artifacts at certain levels will get preferential treatment to run content amongst the community and will be sought out, although not impossible without them these players will also find it easier to complete difficult content.

    So yes there are certainly elements they are winning, just because there is the possibility of expansion doesn't mean 'winning' cannot occur.

    If you continue to disagree then I think we may as will just skip straight to the agree to disagree because I've heard all the counter arguments before and I won't change my mind ;)

    Edit - oh if you want to discuss this further make a thread on Gotham city we can continue it in there if you must so we don't derail this thread.
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  11. Trexlight Devoted Player

    The Nth Metal on John was a waste of Marks. Im not disagreeing Nth metal being on that vendor but for what was there and the cost was absurd and with it gone, it doesnt hurt anyone. If you did spend the Mark costs for those Nth Metal, you need to practice better spending habits.

    John isnt going anywhere as he serves a purpose greatly for Artifacts. and I'll answer them in order:

    - He currently sells the Catalysts which are in the boxes for 10 MoVs each as well as the Artifacts which are in game outside of those that are part of Time Capsules.
    - This wont change anything about that. These Packs are part of the marketplace and wont affect this in anyway.
    - Again, no reason they would do that. He is needed exactly where he is.
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  12. Perdition Committed Player

    Well said!
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  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    There's no such thing as "pay to win" in dcuo, until you can open your wallet and automatically complete a raid, it's not P2W. It's pay to progress faster, since everything is available without cash except for seals, so we can call it that.
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  14. IsmeldaHuine New Player

    One question though, does those XP granted by the new items bypass the need for breakthrough or will a 12K xp be wasted on a lvl 0 artifact that requires only 2600 xp to raise to the next breaktrhough, meaning you loose 10k xp using the 12k xp on a new artifact?
  15. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Unless they’ve changed the system, you never lose credit for experience. For example, if you needed 2000 xp for the level 20 milestone, but used 2500 xp; then when you finally breakthrough level 20, you’ll have 500 xp already toward the level 40 milestone.

    There’s no limit on the xp amount that carries over. You can use 5 radiant sunstones on a level 0 Kryptonian artifact during a double xp event, and it will just take you from breakthrough to breakthrough until you reach level 120. I did that during the last double xp event.
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  16. IsmeldaHuine New Player

    Thanks EconoKnight
  17. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Thank you for the gift! Sooooo close to 140 now.
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  18. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Artifacts are going on 10 months. Do you have 1 to 160 yet?
  19. Saami Loyal Player

    When does "pay to progress faster" comes into "pay2win"? Your personal opinion.
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  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I know you asked Fatal this but I just wanted to chime in. There is no clear definition of what pay to win means, so it means different things to different people. My personal opinion is that pay to win refers to an unfair advantage over other people you can *only* get by spending money on it, and is not something available through normal gameplay. For example if the devs started selling a weapon of omnipotence in the MP that you could only get there, and it was item level 250 or something I would consider that pay to win. Since you can get that XP over time through normal gameplay I personally consider this pay to progress faster rather than pay to win. I am aware other people have different opinions on what pay to win means, and that's fine. We're all allowed to form our own opinions and there's no point trying to persuade each other to change them, as has been proven in the past.

    Artifacts have been around for about 10 months now. People are aware of roughly how long it takes to level an artifact. If they are impatient, have some extra DBC laying around or whatever they can speed up the process by buying XP packs. Artifacts are not really a requirement for most end game content. They're nice to have, but in the end they're not completely essential to complete most content. For me, I'm a patient man. I generally hoard all my drops until a double XP weekend comes along. That being said, I'll probably drop 900DBC here and there to get some of my lesser played alts' artifacts up to 80. I have to say I'm surprised at the price points for the packs. I think most of us saw XP packs coming eventually, but I would have thought they'd be more expensive than what they are.
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