I think this function would be great. It is up to the user to use it or not. Basically I have certain things that I don't agree with and when I see certain leagues that do this I don't play with them period. A ignore all function would make both mine and their gameplay better simply because they don't have to go into with me on why I walked out or find out why I don't like a certain league. People get qued more iceberg with players they want to play with and less aggravated by seeing those people. I don't see anything silly with this. You keep bringing up the fact of not liking one person, but it could be two or more. Basically why not give players more options for their game?
This part I absolutely agree with. It's annoying when you add someone. and they just create a new character.
I've been harassed all evening by the same person because he just keeps logging into a different toon. He keeps sending me random group invites at the worst times and I asked him to stop and send me a tell beforehand if he needs help. He replied with "OK" and a group invite. Add to ignore. Add to ignore. Add to ignore. Hops on a toon I'm not familiar with and sends a group invite. Add to ignore. Hops on another toon and tries to pull me into a duo. Add to ignore. Like seriously? Do I have to start Wavedoxing every invite I'm not familiar with?
I was thinking account wide, as in on my own account... all toons. I add someone to ignore, it ignores them on all my toons. Your idea of account wide is like a match made in heaven!!!!
I could agree with this. As Techwarrior already mentioned there would be more of a technical issue with putting whole leagues on ignore.
Actually with a closer look on the technical side and how Daybreak is handling toons and account/league connections, the league thing would appear to be easier. But: also less effective. Take a bunch of really really DAs/DBs/DHs going "oh, the league seems to be on ignore, I'll just leave league to press it a little further, just invite me back when our run is ready!" and the guy is off the hook of the ignore list, with the player who is being harassed maybe even under the impression that the new ignore feature isn't working if there is no line of sight to the player who just left the league to push it a little further. Nonetheless account-wide ignoring should have been there from the start.
if its a pc league. yup. I'm all for it. pc people (for the most) are just the most rude people. I will run nothing with a pc group anymore.
Well a small tad of silliness at the end with the balding data base. LOL I did think of one thing to ADD to my description of the possible mess this idea could cause.. So okay we have those same 3 players that the que has thrown together because neither the players as individuals or any league THEY belong to are on ignore lists... Now we have those same 1000 or so players that can't be added to that team because all of their leagues are on one ignore list or another... I forgot to consider.... How many players out there looking for that exact same mission are being skipped from becoming the 4th member because one or more of that trio belongs to a league on some one else's ignore list. There is an actual potential for 3000 or even 4000 (or MORE) players being placed on some other team all because of a few members of a league upsetting a player enough to ignore the entire league. Wiccan also makes a good point and I dealt with that same sort of guilt by association when I first started playing the game. I joined a league ... didn't know to much about them but had fun playing with the guy that invited me to join so I accepted. As time passed I discovered that this league , which shall remain nameless even though its been quite a while since I saw anyone with that tag above their head.. they may have disbanded, had a really bad reputation from their antics in PvP. Basically as it turned out they could be a total bunch of .. okay I can't use that word here LOL. And of course I am running around with that league name above my head all but shouting.. HEY LOOK AT ME I AM A JERK.. want to team up? The best part was I didn't even PvP not then and not now.. NOT EVER since I joined the game but with that tag above my head I was lumped in with the rest of them and had a few times where players either quit the teams I was on or out and out ignored me because they were certain I'd start being a pain in the butt any second. All this came to light when after a raid I got a PM from one of my team mates saying he was surprised by how nice I had been.. didn't call anyone names, didn't belittle anyone if they were new and didn't know exactly what to do without being told, and so on. I asked him WHY he'd assume I would treat anyone that way.. "BECAUSE YOU BELONG TO (insert name of toxic league here) and they all act like that" Well between THAT and a few other things they were doing like Power leveling players to get them up to where they could help on certain levels of PvP , Never doing any missions in my CR range and actually sending messages wanting me and my buddy, who had joined along with me, to stop what we were doing and help them power level players through lower level missions. We got no help at all in increasing our CR but were supposed to drop everything to help them PL some new guy! Anyway we both quit and formed our own 2 man league. NOT everyone with a tag above their head is a total jerk... why punish someone you have never even met?
Then you need to go through the effort of logging a ticket and reporting the person for harrasment that's what the report function is for. adding frivolous ignore features is not the solution when there is already a solution, report the individual for breaching community standards.
I've recently played games with an actually working report function and pretty clean chats resulting from that and I hate to break it to you, but: IF the report function in DCUO was actually meant for reporting harassment, it would be designed better and easier to use, starting with making it an actual part of the UI. The report function you refer to is actually there so Daybreak and formerly SOE were able to say "well, we have a report function for cases like this."
It works, just don't expect to "know" the end result of the report, if the behaviour persists keep reporting the person until action is inevitably taken. It's not your place to know exactly what action is taken against the individual you report.
I do not know what action is taken against the person I report in those other games I refer to either. You are missing the point: the report "tool" in DCUO yells "heck, we mad this thing so uncomfortable to use why are you still using it???" to anyone actually using with every single of the more than necessary steps a working report tool needs. It is NOT designed to report players; it is there to show that the game has such a tool.
Well I have seen many arguments about this, but your right one person shouldn't suffer for what one whole league has done or be defined by the actions of one league, 1 it's not fair and 2 que times would increase drastically.
NOW This I would be behind totally. Let's be honest unless we are dealing with a totally insane individual with multiple personalities if some one is a total JERK on one of their alts.. chances are they are exactly the same way on any other alts they own. Personally can we take the ignore one step further? Not just I hit ignore and never have to deal with any of their alts ever again but I hit ignore on ONE of my alts and never have to deal with any of their alt on ANY OF MY ALTS ever again. More coding involved but same basic logic applies.. If I don't want to ever deal with that PERSON again on 1 alt .. it stands to reason I don't want to deal with them on any other alt I own as well. Oh and by the way this would be a much more effective tool for never ever dealing with a jerk than ignoring his entire league. Maybe the guy has 9 alts but only 1 of them is in that league.. You may have ignored as many as 150 potential team mates that are perfectly nice and a day later you are dealing with that same JERK on another alt that either doesn't belong to any league or belongs to a different one on that particular alt.
No, I disagree what it does it makes people report things that are really wrong, when the reporting system is too quick then you often get frivolous reports from people that just want to troll people.
It also makes people not want to report and would rather just leave the game because it feels like the support team doesn't care.
I actually don't think people are that fragile, I know people say that, but honestly, I don't buy it. There's probably more behind their desire to leave than a few unwanted tells.