New Graphics update question

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DurangoKid70, Nov 27, 2022.

  1. DurangoKid70 Active Player

    I was wondering when this come out, will the xbox one and the ps4 not be supported?
  2. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the laugh bro. This legit made me chuckle. We aren’t getting a graphics update. We’ve been getting the update with reskinned NPC’s. They aren’t going to do anything but the bare minimum.
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  3. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    It's pretty much what happened when the PS4 got released, because for whatever reason they seem to want everyone to have the same visual experience in the game. So any graphics updates are likely going to be done with the limitations of the system lowest on the scale in terms of graphics power (right now the Switch) in mind.

    Anyone expecting a huge graphics change with an update for newer systems is likely to be in for disappointment, just like many were when the PS4 update was released. Things will probably get cleaned up and polished, at the very least, but if they keep up the "everyone gets the same experience" frame of mind, that may be the extent of it.

    Which means, OP, the XBox One and PS4 will most likely still be supported, especially since the next gen of those consoles are still a little challenging to get a hold of.
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    They haven't announced a graphics update.
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  5. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    And this is why this games demise is inevitable. They refuse to truly update anything. My god we are still getting ps2 animations in the cutscenes. It’s horrendous.

    They need to give us a sneak peek at what all this “expansion” entails, bc a lot of people are getting frustrated and leaving.
  6. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    Lol at that video.
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  7. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    To paraphrase Troy McClure from the Simpsons
    "Who knows what adventures we'll have between now and the time the game becomes unprofitable?

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  8. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I would actually be more worried about the projected economic downturn coming in 2023. Supply chain issues, and discretionary spending declining are a bigger threat. If food prices continue to rise, and COL increases caused by inflation people are going to have less money, and sad as it is to say, video games and other forms of entertainment are going to feel the brunt. Especially with most MMO's on a F2P model with income based on micro transactions, the coming economic contraction is going to see a lot of studios shuttered.
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