New forums' first Controller thread...not your personal battery.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MooseDetective, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. MooseDetective New Player

    Someone had to do it.

    Get those weapon combos flowing. Don't forget your reserve tank.

    Remember the saying

    "If you see a lightning bolt under your name,
    you ain't got no reason to complain. "
    • Like x 5
  2. Kroye Loyal Player

    shut up and give me power
  3. BatDubb New Player

    double negative
  4. MooseDetective New Player

    Implying the rules of grammar matter on the internet. I was just trying to speak the same language as the people I run with.
  5. NCR RANGER New Player

    LOL i'm not going to give you power because i'm out damaging you while i'm in controller stance.
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  6. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    except that fact that reserve tank is almost useless under the current game mechanics. The extra power that reserve tank and the AUX sodas grant you can only be reached by taking a soda or a supercharge that restores power. A controllers p.o.t will also replenish that extra power but you would never be at a full power bar and have a pot tick without using some of it, more so that the cut-scenes wipe pot so it cant be a bonus from that.

    The controllers instant ability does not restore any extra power from reserve tank or sodas because the game reads it as you being at full power and doesn't consider you a member that needs power as it cannot read the extra 400-800 power that your missing from the mods.
  7. BatDubb New Player

    They do matter. This attitude is why there are so many misunderstandings on the internet.
  8. Goetosyrus Well-Known Player

    Dont be a controller if you dont know how to use an instant dump. Its not PoT evry 20secs and thats it. They gave all Trolls an insta dump for the same reason they gave all trolls debuffs. Part of the job man.
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  9. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Ack, where's my Thumbs Up button?
    • Like x 1
  10. Kroye Loyal Player

    I hope so. I'm a healer.
    • Like x 1
  11. Spicoli New Player

    Already had to give you a "like" Mr M
  12. DG-MOD-02 New Player

    Let's keep these shiny new forums constructive please. Thank you!
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