Livestream New Episode! Episode 18 Revealed October 15, 2015!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. the-dk New Player

    You know what they need to fix is the drops, i have played the Halloween event around 30 to 40 times and i have not received not one rare drop that's something else:(
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  2. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Your not the only one who has yet to get a rare drop from event. Seems like everyone has gotten the Bootility Belt but me
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  3. the-dk New Player

    Tell me about it i can tell you where each pumpkin is at by memory that's how much i play that event . But what gets to me is that some players get it right after 3-5 tries. So yea but they wont pay attention to it
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  4. chea.robinson Well-Known Player

    Yeah tell me about it, and whats up with not being able to turn cash into candy corn... I know thats asking too much. Lol.
  5. chea.robinson Well-Known Player

    To answer your signature question my nightmare did come true. Spent 60+ mins in DC Elite with a low CR group got to Raven and was disconnected when she got down to a 1/4 health, out of all my victories that one wouldve been the sweetest
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  6. Belthazur Dedicated Player

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  7. PhantomBulletPT Well-Known Player

    I dropped that belt on my first try.
    Now I just keep getting that Boo Junior.


    ill gonna buy dlcs amazong fury part 2 halls of power part 1 and 2 and the all new episodes!!!!
  9. chea.robinson Well-Known Player

    Hey u have to admit when u have the patience to run 113-120 in DC without leaving it feels better than a dominating run of DC, frustrating but satisfying lol. Someone helped me out once im just paying it forward.
  10. the-dk New Player

    last night another fail ran the even 5 times nothing only candy lol
  11. Nuclear Ninja Well-Known Player

    Love this new monthly system! Hoping for a new solo challenge or 2.
  12. KEN_Oracle_of_Delphi Well-Known Player

    Agreed, drop rate is pitiful.
  13. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    You'l get a Raid and a duo and you'll like it dammit.
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  14. KEN_Oracle_of_Delphi Well-Known Player

    Ok, but make sure the duo will actually count towards the duo completion feats PLEASE.....

    Now until then it's time to collect Marks from here on out.
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  15. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    Download content being monthly is fine, it's new material coming at a faster rate which makes it more interesting.

    New players have no reason to join in. They are new for goodness sake. Even then it takes what, about a month or less to level up. Your point is not valid.

    There is no issue with the marks of Triumph. Before you would have to grind a couple of days for new vendor gear. Now you can get it in one day except for maybe the chest, legs, or weapon.

    The gear for different roles/powers thing has been in the game since day 1. This is nothing new.

    What loot problem? Are you having bad luck? I haven't had those darn 123 legs drop yet, but they will come. Look at all the 140+ players. There is no problem with the loot system except for the fact that some people have bad luck.
  16. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    That was ridiculously awesome!
  17. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Styles look awesome. It really comes accross as stepping up the design game.
    And can't say about content cause we didn't see much, but story line looks like is progressing really well. And Nekron is in the cross hairs. Freaking awesome!
  18. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Livewire vendor style - the part with the bolt pattern is an animated electric texture. I think the discs on the back are also animated... have to recheck the replay on that.



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  19. Skelter Helter Well-Known Player

    These styles look great. The vendor gear would go great with my Original Speedster helmet. Although, the head piece don't look too shabby either.
  20. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    The Black Hand raid style - Emblem & hand are color locked to black


    Elite animated version:

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