New DLC when?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RamsesVIIX, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. RamsesVIIX New Player

    Yeah I'm getting pretty fed up with this Amazon nonsense, when's the new dlc suppose to hit!? And what's it going to be about? Heard it's mainly going to be solo content (GOOD).
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  2. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    The next DLC is Halls of Power 2. If they continue on schedule it should be out in about a month, so probably on Test really soon.
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  3. mightybugthe1st New Player

    Solo content, yep, I could go for more of that !! The less content I have to run with these Low IQ Urban Gangsta Wannabe Easy Mode Unskilled AM/WM Quan/HL/Mun/Cel thot Loving bae's... the better.
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  4. Chetzman Level 30

    Waiting for the 'NEW DLC PREVIEW' announcement from Mepps/Spytle. Hopefully will be coming soon.
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  5. Ramonater New Player

    wow already wanting new DLC?
  6. Buckley Loyal Player

    Does not matter. Neverwinter has released their 6th module for free and i will be exploring all the new content that comes with it.
  7. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    It needs to come ASAP! Game is getting staled for me.
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  8. RamsesVIIX New Player

    Yeah I'm getting pretty bored with this DLC.... need new content... plus I'm all maxed out on Symbols of Light and Marks of Power or whatever they're called.
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  9. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    If you don't have the styles in the rare vendor style, I would suggest picking it up before it switches over to the new marks.
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  10. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    The DLCs have a ridiculously short life span because no effort is put into ensuring longevity. All they do for longevity is give us at least 1 raid with random loot drops at ridiculous rates and charge us money to earn loot from them more than once a week. That's supposed to keep us engaged for 3 months (or more) and it evidently doesn't unless you play from within a league bubble, protected from the wider game with plenty of active league members online to run content with day in, day out.

    It honestly doesn't surprise me that people are fed up with DLC13 already. In fact, people were fed up with it a month after it came out. There was a thread I remember somebody made stating exactly that.

    A shame that well designed, pretty content that exploits the DC lore so well is marred by the weak "game" aspects of the DLC.
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  11. Morsy808 Committed Player

    So, basically you don't want to play with people based on their powers and that they make use of their AM/WM? (which takes heat off the troll by the way). Maybe you should find the exit instead....

    How arrogant are you?
  12. Morsy808 Committed Player

    Powers are down to personal preference. We play to have fun. When I see people using their AM/WM, leaving the trollers free to distribute power where its needed, I think thats admirable. They're using their powers, weapon and skill points to their maximum capabilities.

    If you want pure difficulty without enjoyment, go play Bloodborne. Cannot stand pro gamer elitist tools.
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  13. Xibo Loyal Player

    On may i think, and in fact we will have opening world missions, solos and duos. I dont think that we will have raids.
  14. SkullGang Devoted Player

    1 raid minimum but the bulk is small group content.
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  15. DrDiabeto Well-Known Player

    If they are "on time" it should be sometime in May. And this SHOULD be a "small" dlc which means 1 raid minimum since they changed their dlc's and then the rest solo content. Btw, if you're USPS and looking for a friendly league or help, HMU. Ign is Dr Diabeto
  16. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I'm hoping for some actual new styles to drop that are New/Old Gods inspired.
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  17. Morsy808 Committed Player

    That would be pretty interesting. Personally, I am hoping for the crown of Hades when AF3 pops.
  18. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I feel ya man, tired of having to rely on ******* to progress, people cant comprehend hit R1 to break outta control effects or you take massive dmg possibly leading to death.

    there's dumb people running around with ZERO colas lmao
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  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    he's basically saying he doesn't wanna play with trashy unskilled people who switch to the new FoTM because they lack skills at their role / any role in this game.

    read please before insulting :)
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  20. Morsy808 Committed Player

    I hear ya man. Only just finished Love and War for the first time the other day (and got no loot from it). So frustrating for a tank when you've got everything aggro'd around you and people are still dropping in huge numbers because people don't listen when I shout to block.