New currency for Amazon Fury part 3

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Amanda Bailey, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Not really understanding this currency given just a year or however long ago people were complaining about having multiple currencies and all currency was removed and marks of victory became the universal currency.

    Just curious as to why we're going back down this road and not staying on the current one.
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  2. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Because they want to try it again and make sure it still sucks
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  3. Swamarian Committed Player

    A currency/tier worked just fine through 4-5, and it's a good way to get rid of relevancy. Do the content for a tier/dlc to get it's gear.
  4. Trexlight Devoted Player

    The trouble with it last time was it required BOTH Marks and a Symbol. This time its not the use of BOTH. Ancient Coins will only be used for the Vendor where the marks we gain like normal can go to Rent and other items like usual.

    I too was against Symbols because it was indeed another Currency but it was the combo of needing both the Mark and that Symbol. Making the "Symbol" (in this case Ancient Coins) being the only currency needing to buy Vendor puts it okay in my eyes. True its another Currency but I think/hope it is managed better than it was long ago.
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  5. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    My concern is that now we can only use the most current DLC to progress, and since it will still drop MoV all the older content will be useless. Content longevity has been a problem for years but this seems to be worse than ever. At least with symbols, even though they weren't great, we could use the other content of the same tier for progression to some extend. With monthly we had 6 months worth of content, now it looks like we will only have one relevant Episode at all times.
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  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It was an issue last time because marks of triumph were inflated to the tens of thousands. Made it hard to keep track of them and were ultimately very disorganized since T1 gave only a few marks but T5 gave thousands.
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  7. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I don't have any problems using the same marks to buy gear as I use to pay my mainframe costs. It's kinda the same but we had episodes. 3 episodes is equivalent to uno DLC. I just hate to see more Marks/Symbols thrown into the mix again. I thought we figured that problem out already and found a solution to it.

    There were two currency changes I'm aware of. I'm talking about the first one, when marks were put on a vendor in the magic wig because there were too many marks and symbols. If players and some of the Devs hated it why implement it again? That's taking two steps backwards imo
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  8. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Will there be any marks of triumph that drop from the new content though? Or will rent runs become a thing again?
  9. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I personally didn't mind when each tier had its own mark and think they should go back to that throughout the whole game. They probably realize the player base is much different then it was back then and some of the changes they made to accommodate for the past community could be undone and reintroduced with a few tweaks.
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  10. Ichiro Loyal Player

    The only flaws with episode specific currency that i see

    It locks everyone into playing just that content. All other content becomes irrelevant because the currency you need only drops in the new content.

    After the episode pass relevancy we have a useless currency stuck in our inventory

    It would be nice if mark relevant content would have the option to take an extra coin in the loot table so the entire game can be used instead of just one episode similar to how marks are in older content. Once the content has passed we can exchange the old currency for marks or new currency. As episodes pass into the sunset their specific currency get converted to the marks of victory for simplification of the system.
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  11. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    I know! Let's make a special vendor and put it in the Hall of Doom and the Watchtower that will convert ancient coins to marks! ;)
  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The general response (and understanding of) Mark Relevancy is...not ideal. It seems to generally make more sense to players to play content to earn that content's rewards, and then move on.
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  13. Trexlight Devoted Player

    At the beginning of a change like this, its always going to be "the one Episode to progress" until we get the next Episode within that "tier". Monthly Episodes started off the same way and folks had the same fear until the next episode. Same fear folks had when we switched to the Large and Small Episodes before Monthly. Content Longevity is a problem which of course Replays has a hand in but here we are with them and is a choice of the player to use them, never mandatory. With the introduction to the Vendor Changes and OP Items it may help with the longevity but we wont know until it gets on Test and Live Servers. We all know what comes out on paper isn't always best when done in practice but I'm optimistic and just need to get my hands on it.
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  14. Danielle_Tgurl Committed Player

    I think its to prevent players from stockpiling current currency to purchase the new gear on Day 1. May change to other marks when next DLC drops months later.
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  15. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    I would be cool if each tier had its own unique currency again. At least then we would all know what would be used for each tier and how many DLC's are in that tier. It could even be done in a manner where all the old marks you do not need can be converted into one type that is used for Rare vender styles, rent, tokens of merit, etc. My biggest issue is the flip flopping on how they are going to do it. All it does is create confusion for old players and chaos for new ones. Find a way that works and stick with it.
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  16. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    I know. I'm concerned because Mepps already said that the plan is to have new currencies with each new episode now. I figure we will go through a few iterations before the progression system becomes stable again (as always) but I think it's justified to be concerned over 24-26 losing relevancy with AF3 and AF3 losing relevancy with the next one. Not even talking about replays here, just the amount of time this episode will factor in progression.
    It's hard to find a partner for Will of Darkseid these days, and that's still fresh and dropping full marks. Can't imagine how I will find a group for current content when AF3 hits and MoV isn't needed for vendor gear.
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  17. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Not really a concern for me.

    We've been in this situation twice before. Once when it worked (T1, T2, T3 and T4) and once when it didn't work (the "symbols" era).

    I think a lot of the problems during the symbols era were caused by the awful "large group/small group" concept as this resulted in episodes like Halls of Power part 1 only allowing people to progress via Alerts and Raids. I'd also argue that a lot of the complaints were misplaced anger at the fact we were still getting screwed over by RNG.

    What we're getting next is no more restrictive than what we have now. If you want the best gear, you have to run the newest content. You can only obtain a CR of 175 with gear from Darkseid's War Factory/A Rip in Time/Kandor Central Tower. This is no different than asking people to play Amazon Fury part 3 to obtain the best gear.

    The Amazon Fury part 3 approach is vastly superior to what we have now, though, as you can legitimately work towards the best gear and aren't dependent upon luck (which is the most significant improvement to progression in years) and you can completely avoid Raids if you don't like running them. You can also progress to the best gear by playing solo and Duo content from the episode, meaning those who have erratic schedules can still progress without having to depend on friends being online.
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  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    In the past the content required both types of marks. Which led to people complaining about the prices and also trying to buy old styles, synthetic mods, mainframe upgrades, etc.

    With the new system you will be able to use MoV for more important things.

    As for the whole locking people into playing X DLC until Y DLC is released, people have constantly been doing that since the game's release. The most recent content will always be the most popular and most used to obtain the current best gear. You also have that crowd that has no intention to run older content outside of feat hunting regardless of the amount of MoV the content rewards.

    Like others have stated the problem lies in when the episode leaves and that currency gets stuck in our inventory/ currency tab. However if say the new currency is in a separate currency tab on its own then by the end of next year there will only be 4-5 new currencies and on the 6th introduction of a new currency they can make it where AF3 no longer rewards the currency and the gear from AF3 is purchased via MoV. Thus only keeping 5 currencies in rotation at a time.
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  19. Trexlight Devoted Player

    This is true but when it comes to Online Games especially MMOs its a lot of Trail and Error and back and forth. WoW has it like that but we only see it maybe once a year or so with their Expansions or the big release of their Patches. DCUO because of how active they are at releasing content, it is MUCH more noticeable and it does cause a lot of headaches. Thats where I really look towards the Youtubers, streamers,fan sites etc to also help the player base un-confuse things and explain it out. Sites like MMO-Champion help me out on a lot of things when it comes to WoW, DCUO needs sites like that and more than one.
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  20. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    I started playing STO (Star Trek Online) while waiting for DCUO to give us new content, and I was very confused about some of the things that are different there compared to here. This was my first MMO and STO my second. I realised how much I liked and how easy the forums are to navigate here compared to sto. i did not start to figure things out until I got into a fleet and started asking questions.

    However with sto unlike dcuo it is very fluid from start to finish. So I was still able to complete things in groups and not be completely terrible, and still have a ton of fun at the same time. DCUO has had so many massive changes to things like combat, loot, progression, etc that I feel like the game loses many players just out of frustration. With the new changes to the Vender gear being one of them. I like that I can work towards the best gear and everything but this is the first dlc where that is the case. If you start out that way great but for a new player they may not notice it until some have deleted a bought chest for one that dropped. Vets know that but noobs may not notice right away. I feel like with changes like this they should go back and adjust all the vender gear with the drop gear to make it flow correctly. However that is more work.
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