New ally system

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Liightmare dc, Nov 30, 2022.

  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Point being if we give feedback and something gets changed that's progress. Sitting there and antagonizing someone with a complaint or voicing a dislike for something in-game just because you don't agree with what they have to say is counter productive. Let people vent it's not hurting you.
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    But apparently it is hurting them when someone disagrees?
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Well when your opening arguments are just sarcasm you're not helping anyone. It's just annoying.
    Do you even have any solid good reasons why we shouldn't be allowed to transfer favor from one ally to another? Or are you just here to rain on the parade?
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  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Because it’s already an established system that is not tied to artifacts. People keep comparing allies to arts even thou they are different. There is no reason to make such change since the biggest factor is players inability to have self control and dump every bit of favor into every ally as soon as it’s received. People aren’t asking to a system to be smoothed out. They are asking for them to make changes based on their self inflicted inconvenience.

    Raids were established to give 10 marks. I want 12 so they should change it… I was a tank but I’m a healer now so I want ti take all the experience I’m my tank augments and put them in my might augments… people are asking for things that they had full control over and chose to ignore them..
  5. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    Maybe they could make a more definitive way to gain Favor? Specific quests you could grind that gain more than normal?
  6. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

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  7. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Imo, We should be able to feed allies into one another for 100% of the exp on the ally. The reason people wont do it every raid is for the price. it costs 1k+ source marks to level a legendary to 10. that is 100+ Raids you have to complete to swap a single ally.
    It would not be as bad if allys where not buffed/nerfed because people will pay money to level the most op ally and then end up being left out because their ally is now under performing and they just wasted XX amount of $$/££
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  8. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    I would be a big stinky liar if I said that recycling allies wouldn't benefit me, it definitely would.

    But a precedent was set both on the forums, and how the allies themselves are designed, that you can't just feed one into another.
    Nowhere does the game try and force you to get every single last one maxed, and when Mepps said 'collect 'em all' that doesn't inherently mean you must collect them all. Just means that if you want the benefits of one, you can't sacrifice another to get it.

    If any of you have noticed, there's green text that says when you haven't collected one, that should tell you off the bat that they're a more permanent choice than getting an artifact.

    A few misconceptions I wanna get rid of:
    1. you need allies to be the best. not true, not even close to true. I know some fantastic DPS that have near a million favor because they refuse to buy into the system.
    2. allies are artifacts 2.0. They really really aren't, the benefits they provide are nowhere near the scale of arts.

    My only request for allies, is a little out of the box, but bare with me:
    - character bound, but based on faction. Lets say you've a hero toon that has 4 allies, your hero alt should be able to access those 4 allies regardless of who those allies are.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate's almost as though they designed an in game system specifically to make money for DBG....shocking.:eek:

    Not that I don't disagree on the money grab, but seriously....why would they change it at 100% detriment to their sales? I could see some sort of 'recovery' token, where you might be able to salvage some of the xp and 'break ties' with that ally ('feeding' it to another ally seems kind of gruesome). But I'd wager that if they are going to give up something in this revenue stream, they will get something in return...that's just good business.
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It's literally the same system but with a twist. The difference being they removed the chance to fail a breakthrough but at the same we can't transfer XP from one to the other.

    It sucks is unprecedented. If they are going to keep pumping out a new Ally every few months in the same way they used to pump out new Artifacts it is not unreasonable to ask for consistency. It is not unreasonable to ask for a return on an investment. With artifacts we get 50% back except on bonus weeks.

    Tomato tomato. Origin Augments are permanent, they can not be destroyed because they can not be regained. If I feed Manacles of Force into an Eye of Gemini I can go back and get another Manacles of Force and start over. If you were a tank and switch to a healer you can feed your Adaptive Dom augments into Resto Augments and get some XP back. If you wanted to switch back to a tank you can go back grab another pair of Dom Augments and start the process over again.
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  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Where exactly is there inconsistencies? Because you can’t feed arts into other arts you should be able to feed allies into other allies even thou they are different system? You claim tomato tomato yet try to compare 2 different systems. Arts a reminder arts and allies are allies. They will add more allies down the line. But we all have the option to not max them all out too.
  12. Plowed In Loyal Player

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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    There's no good reason to have 0. I personally don't spend much time or effort on them, but having 3 'rare' or 'epic' ones costs nothing should have the favor built up by now and the catalysts from drops. The rare/epic ones are cheap in SM terms to buy (heck...Oracle/Calc are free after the intro mission), so the whole production should cost less than 1 bounty run or a weekend's worth of normal running SM.

    If you wanted to go cheap cheap on them but still have 3, I'd suggest Oracle/Calc, HOL bot and Cyborg with HOL as the damage one. Krypto is a bit more. Probably less than 100-150 marks even if you had to buy some catalysts. If you never want to call out the 'damage' one, the 2 passives will still benefit you and you won't even know they are there.

    Obviously if one in particular tickles your fancy to be able to call on for help (no catwoman or cheetah ally yet...), of course I'd say work on that one when it's available...but you can still have the 2 passives pretty cheap, no reason not to.
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Aritfact A ⇆ Artifact B =
    Augment A ⇆ Augment B =
    Ally A ⇆ Ally B =

  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    They will add more Artifacts down the line. But we all have the option to not max them all out too. They will add more Augemtns down the line. But we all have the option to not max them all out too.
  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    But it doesn't hurt to inquire... That's what these forums are for, afterall. If you would like 12 marks instead of 10, go right ahead and make a thread. It does not hurt to ask. It's always up to the devs to decide, regardless of what any of us may think or feel. It's quite pointless to be a Debbie Downer all the time :)
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  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Imagine finding differences in different features… guess what. I can feed salvaged exobytes into EEG augs but can’t into EG augments. Difference within the same system.
  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Point is? Again. Different systems… artifacts are not allies. Just because you can feed one does not mean you can feed the other. Especially after they clearly made this clear before allies went live. So if I buy tank gear but switch to a healer am I allowed to request a refund on that gear because I can feed tank arts into healer arts?
  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’m curious where I said people weren’t allowed to ask… just as they are allowed to ask I’m also allowed to point out that they stated the answer already.
  20. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    Soemthing to consider when comparing, you can buy Allies in the market and they become free to get for all characters as much as you want. Getting new artifacts after feeding them is a trivial but non-zero marks cost.

    Not really saying anything besides making sure we are comparing apples to apples. Personally I don't like the feeding mechanic anyway. I would rather some kind of transfer, or better yet, have the resources not be so scarce that we have to choose a dn instead have a reason to have multiple things maxed out so we try new builds and ideas and do more swapping.

    Ultimately I think the game likely suffers from whales who will spend a lot to max them all out, thus making the cost of everything higher than it need be. I miss the days when everyone just paid subscriptions. I know it may be hard to go back to that, but it removed a lot of this kind of thing.