New ally John Stewart validated at 100% (spoil)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sollace, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. Sollace Well-Known Player


    Combat Animation :


    New ally validated at 100%, finally a green lantern ally, with a very good entry for a first green lantern ally, thanks to the devs!
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  2. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I wouldn't call it a very good entry, but an at least average one as of right now.
  3. Jaelia Committed Player

    Definitely using him on my troll yay yay yay now we need fatality or Carol Ferris!
  4. Grip Committed Player

    Yoo the turret looks cool ngl! As stated, great job devs. Even more so if John is future-proofing the troll role in content.

    Including "spoil" was very pro and considerate :) Since you covered the thread, I can recklessly speculate Episode 47 includes massive attacks that decimate our cooperative iconics, right? Heal like crazy and res those guys when needed, or bring a controller w/ Enduring Will to cushion the blow maybe? Can the buff stop 'Catie from smacking WW, protect the council in FGSe, etc?

    I look forward to learning how many friendlies the shield can cover at once (16??), but in my estimation, Enduring Will's strength and utility boosts may help players who feel undervalued as trolls (at a meaty cost). In any case, you got me interested- nice post :)
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  5. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    He looks awesome.... Unfortunately, this is where the compliments stop, because from what I see on the testing thread, it looks like there won't be a reason to use him in the combat slot other than for flair, similarly to how Teekl is a bad ally that should not be used in serious context because of how unbalanced HoL and Krypto are compared to other single target allies.
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  6. ArrowMan New Player

    Corps combo will buff combo users, but really they should be buffing the abilities themselves..but they want you to pay for that buff.
  7. Grip Committed Player

    Respectfully to this topic (Glad I wasn't the 1st to throw the appropriate shade lol)... the Teekl situation is just weird! How is the ST deficiency justified with the exact same fortification load? The tiny seasonal feat supposed to make even the 50 spent spooky bites legit? Devs, y'all are disrespecting the furry little seratonin-dispensers we call cats.. smh

    Ending on a positive tho, new ally introduction has become something I look forward to, and to the folks responsible for Stewart manning the turret visuals... all the flame emojis!! I hope any adjustments satisfy players enough to give him a try. Having that art masterpiece never show up on my screen would be tragic.
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