Neo Venom Boost

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by GrimMalbogia, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. GrimMalbogia New Player

    So...I was playing around with neo venom boost and noticed how it grants you a dmg buff like intimidate. Now I wanted to know if you guys feel like that active effect makes no sense. Would it not make more sense for the damage buff granted by neo venom boost be more pre based or just a straight up might boost vs doing random tics of damage? Just wanted to get more opinions on this.
  2. BrotherMutant New Player

    Personally, I would have rathered it be more like Hive Mind or Carnage from Nature. Also think it should be a (small) self heal.
  3. Galklife Dragon New Player

    it should be a 35% or 50% supercharge that gives you a permananent stat boost and lets you grow like bane does in pvp legends. Then use it a second time to grow + have a green aura with more stats and such.
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  4. Larfleeze New Player

    Well, technically it makes you 40% stronger and add's the intimidate buff, not just add's the intimidate buff.
  5. BrotherMutant New Player

    Also adds defense but the amount is lame. Does something else too but I can't remember what? Weaponization?
  6. Willydon305 Well-Known Player

    Neo Venom boost is another example of a power not reaching it's full potential, in both the visual and in actual mechanics. This is a power that could be so cool to look at as well as a must have in everyone's DPS loadout, but the DEVS missed the mark on this one.. I think all the iconic powers should get re-tweaked and start with heat vision, by making it a 35% finisher.
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  7. GrimMalbogia New Player

    Yeah it gives you weaponization, similar to super strength and a def buff which is negligible most of the time. While it does give you the 40% buff so does heat vision, the dmg buff is just a staple of most powers in the game. I'm just referring to the fact that: the intimidation buff for the power its self does not make any sense. As neo venom is more of an internal effect, and the intimidate buff is more of an external effect that is up to chance damage vs guarantee dmg on every hit. Neo venom boosts your physical prowness, so would it not make more sense for and internal buff vs the external damage that the move does now?
  8. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    used a bit of visine on your post there.

    I'm all for tweeking the iconics. They are iconic, after all. But, a 35% finisher accessible like it was at the top of the tree? no.

    NVB should self-heal a bit, like it does for NPCs instead of (or in addition to) giving a defense boost.
  9. GrimMalbogia New Player

    I could see that. Personally I just want to powers to be the way the iconic are. There is no doubt that heat vision is, ya know, heat vision. Same goes for sonic cry and most of the others. NVB just doesnt make sense the way it is now, as an accurate representation of venom
  10. BrotherMutant New Player

    What they could do is this:

    make a few iconics be like big power and/or finishers BUT they are ONLY accessible IF you as a player buy a complete top to bottom power in one of your main power sets. Pick powers from top tier 1 to the bottom tier, which would unlock the chance to purchase any ONE of the iconics so long as you don't have two of same kind (don't want people with two finishers).
  11. TheDark Devoted Player

    The only downer is the power cost. If you find a place for it, and pay attention to detail, it can work. I pulled this up from the gadget guide. I took a look at NVB a long time ago.The only thing is i don't remember if weapon and initial hits set it off or just weapon use. The damage is close but not the same as Gadget's Intimidation.

    Neo-Venom Boost
    • Temporarily increases strength, defense and damage output from an experimental derivative of Venom.
    • Power Cost of 450 at full t4.
    • 45 Second Cool Down.
    • Grants 10 Weaponization Skill, 50 Weaponization Rating and 176 Defense for 15 seconds.
    • Damage Data: 40% modifier. Total of 5 Random PROCs (possibly 6 if you clip NVB early enough). You have 15 seconds to get PROCs once cast. Low Base Damage of 14. High Base Damage of 22. Total Low Base Damage with 5 PROCs is 70. Total High Base Damage with 5 PROCs is 110.
    • Retains Stealth.
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  12. MARK2099 New Player

    Devs have to do something with electricity, because is the only powersets with no finisher, hell not even all the finishers are inline, none compare to PB, in fact some are weaker if are compare in damage based on might base and not even any type of cc, not mention being a finisher with multiple hits ensure to proc weapon buff powers.
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  13. BumperStickerz New Player

    I wonder how this would be received, Mark. I'm not an expert at the game, nor have I played Electricity, but isn't Electricity, at least arguably, King at AoE killing? A follow up question is, how beneficial is a finisher for increasing single target dps? If it is a big increase to have one (I understand not all finishers are created equal as it stands, but I mean generally) then would that not tip the scales too favorably towards Electricity? I'm curious.

    On topic, I love the idea of having it be a supercharge, certain power sets with subpar supercharges would have the option of using it. Though, how it would be implemented and tweaked accordingly to a satisfactory level (not having everyone jump to it because more amazing that their in-power supercharges) could be tricky. I can see HL devouring it despite their supercharge, I hear, being arguably the best in the game for damage.

    I think it would be nice to tweak all the iconic powers and make them usable on a general level.
  14. BrotherMutant New Player

    Not really, unless they make it a finisher that gives a 60% damage buff too (elec doesn't even have that). Also, you rarely use a finisher on trash (except to get that damage buff, maybe) so its really for bosses or sub-bosses. PB is great as its FAST and hits like a truck even IF its above 35% health. Elec has little in the way of boss killer moves.
  15. BumperStickerz New Player

    I see, I'll take your word for it.

    In regards to PB, that does sound very unfair--especially if (as I don't know) Gadgets is powerful even without it.
  16. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    It doesn't seem to trigger with might based damage or it would be better, i could only get it to trigger with white numbers
  17. BrotherMutant New Player

    Gadgets is very fun. I even kept that move on my troller gadgets toon as it is still really quick (and looks dam cool too). Problem I have is I assume I am setting myself up for the damage buff but forget that I am in troller stance. lol
  18. OMAAR New Player

    I'd rather they decrease the damage of NVB but make it so that every weapon hit procs it.
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