Need some Advice

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RunningOut, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. RunningOut New Player


    Well I've got a bit of a question for you guys.

    I've been playing for about 10 days now, and I'm currently on CR92 and 45SP (Which I really need to work on).

    Now I've never reached the end game content before, EVER. So I'm pretty new to the game having only been playing 10 days and it be an MMO which normally takes time. I'm actually pretty new to the whole MMO concept aswell so that's a big change from the normal FPS games.

    Anyway, I chose the role that everyone does being a DPS, now at first I thought I was above par, but reaching T5 I've realised I'm below average.

    Now is that because I'm inexperienced or do you think that I may be playing the wrong role?

    Have I bitten off a bigger chunk than I can chew by rushing to T5 as fast as I could, educating myself with the quickest and most efficient ways?

    I need some advice from you guys, don't hate I'm pretty new to the game and I'm asking for help I'm not complaining or anything; I just need a bit of advice from someone who's willing to help a guy out.

    Thanks a ton.
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  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    First you are sitting on the motherload of information.

    Second check the oracle guides for your power to find out good loadouts and nice tricks and strategies. You can test these loadouts in solos and duos which add up for some nice feats.

    3rdly skill points are pretty important for dps, but its nice that you are working hard on them.

    Dont stress, ask questions, but most importantly have FUN!!!
  3. Notangie New Player

    This post reminded me of Zod's sig.
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  4. Monroe585 New Player


    There you go.
    • Like x 2
  5. RunningOut New Player

    Dude, for someone who's been playing a game for 10 days and knows **** all about MMO's it is a legitimate question?

    Most games I play at this day I have played for over 4 years, and are series's. This is a completely different experience, the only thing I can compare it to would be Runescape and that was like 8 years ago.
  6. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    My suggestion would be that now that you're at CR92... start grinding older content
    Use Marks of triumph for feats and Hometurf Mods
    Use Marks of Reality for WoTL gear.
    Start running Iconic Anomalies and Soloing the Central City Bounties often - they are good for learning mechanics.

    I feel like just witnessed the birth of a new species....
  7. TankKC12 New Player

    Just one of the things currently wrong with this game

    You might be on to something...

    Go back and blow through end game content. get more SP. Much more SP... There's feats a plenty for you.. god speed...
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  8. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    haha Runescape ^^ nah this doesnt compare to runescape (spent a solid 5 years on it xD )

    as for your problem with DCUO, you have only been playing for 10 days. At CR 92 you are expected to know your role pretty much inside out however given how people can skip tiers this isn't the case.

    As you mentioned you are below average given that people who run T5 have been playing way way longer and know what they are doing. Since you skipped all your lower tiered content you haven't picked up on skills and mechanics that are vital on hard raids.

    Take the time to play all the instances, learn about different roles and powers. Learn to clip (a must in the game) and most importantly enjoy the game.

    Not trying to have a go at you, but you can't expect to play for 10 days and be on par with people who have 2-3+ year experience.