Need help with build

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Kemiru, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. Kemiru New Player

    Hi, i'm a returning player that hasn't played for more than 4 years now, i'm a quantum controller using flight and hand blasters. I'm a little overwhelmed with the artifacts and augments etc and i was wondering if anyone can help me make a build (artifacts, loadout, skill points, augments etc). Thanks
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  2. Evanhhs Well-Known Player

    Buff troll:
    Arts => tetrahedron, amulet of rao, claw of aelkhünd
    SP => put everything into health
    Power troll: just sub tetra and claw with soul cloak and parasite harness
    SP => put everything into the bottom left hand corner one (forgot whay it's called)

    Loadout: haven't changed much over the years? Just use the buff and debuff and quantum you might wanna use quantum tunneling for pick ups