Need a Repair Vendor in the Historic District

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DarkThorn, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    I repair after every knockout because as a Premium I can't afford the gigantic 3M bill of repairs.
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  2. tukuan Devoted Player

    Same, I have one parked in front of Ace (still there) and an alt's on the roof of Strykers.

    I would certainly use the two extra deeds that have been residing in my bank for over year if we could locate lairs in Alt Goth/Metro were added.
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  3. Chewy Stuff Well-Known Player

    Thx for the clarification. Any word on the original subject of this thread?
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  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Felsa is right, you're wrong.
  5. Veritasum Loyal Player

    So for what reason would you ever buy a repair bot? Just curious.
  6. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    I'm just curious as to why you had to quote my comment, several hours after I had already admitted that I was wrong, without also bothering to quote that one? Seems to me you are just being rude and doing the, "I'm right, you're wrong" type of childishness.
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  7. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Because I hadn't read your subsequent comment yet.
  8. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    warp rally, use the teleport back to the OG building. repair and warp back.
  9. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    Yes, this is what we have to do now, but the problem is the numerous DC/s during all that warping... I also imagine it must put a lot of strain on the severs with all the warping back and forth- which will only get worse once this drops for everyone on Tuesday. This isn't just with people running the open world solos in the area but also with people farming Doctor Light who tends to wipe everyone out several times during a single mission.