Need a Confirm

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by XODUIS, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. siressarchangel Dedicated Player

    Our mentality at least in my league, if you can spec into your role, then you are golden, at least for the T5 stuff. The baby raids/alerts, we don't really care about SP. Although you can have 160 SP and still suck as a player lol Same with high CR...just because you have a high CR doesn't mean you know your role. It really all depends on the player
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  2. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I'm a little confused takes a **** ton less than 80 skill points to complete one weapon tree. I have 93 skill points, and I have every single weapon tree. That makes all of my original innates active.

    You are saying it like 80 skill points will only complete one weapon tree....which is waaaaaaaaaay off base.
  3. Moneybags118 New Player

    You really only need about 80-90 SP to max out the first tier.. after that it can get a little silly. Are you telling me I need to grind 6 skill points so I can spend them on 2 vit each? That seems extremely silly considering the T5 alert drops can up your vit by 15-20. If they implemented this it then the people who realize an overabundance of SP can be a waste of time won't be able to find groups. There may be some people who have the time and attention span to grind up to 120 or higher, but when you have things like school to attend to getting to 100 just so you can get 20 more vit is pretty much a waste when I can just get loot that gets me the amount or more.
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  4. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    Id take a 50sp person over the OP any day. Why would you want someone tht "demands" you have this to run it. Last time i checked, to que into a raid, you needed CR not Sp's
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  5. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    Elitest thread.... Simply ridiculous.


    Not saying be @ a 97 cr with 20 sp, but if you can fully spec into your role then you are good to go. As long as you know how to play your role and know general survivability skills (newer harder content) then that's more then enough for me. I'll judge a person by how they play in-game, not at the start when I need them to state all their stats.

    Edit: I'm not affraid to tell ppl my stats when asked, hell I'll take a pic if needed to prove lol.
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  6. Hard Night New Player

  7. XODUIS Committed Player

    Actually im not talking about FULLY completing a tree, including all the moves and innates in tht single tree. Whixh takes about 78-83SP
  8. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Same old arguments.
    • CR requirements as a content unlock, necessary
    • CR requirements as a player set filter, dubious
    • SP requirement as a player set filter, bad
    • Running an instance with someone to find out if they can handle it, golden.
    Having more CR is good, having more SP is good but being competent in your role is the most important bit.

    CR and SP can be fixed, sadly the competence issue is a little harder to resolve.

    Unfortunately too many people treat the game as a time and motion study. I get people with X and Y in here and I can complete it in Z minutes and be on to the next bit. They really need to learn to relax and chill a bit and just have fun while playing.
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  9. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Just a curious question was the whole team in the 40 SP range?
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  10. Kristyana New Player

    CR greater than skill?

    Damn, I guess all those people shouting for 75+ for FOS2 and 97+ for Nexus are right after all.
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  11. thirty six Loyal Player

    How would I know? It wasn't one time. It was two alerts a day for a few days and I don't ask people their skill points. If the content is getting done and going smoothly, why should I need to know anything about them?
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  12. thirty six Loyal Player

    Ok, so why do you need every move on a weapon you don't use? Why do you NEED every move on any weapon?
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  13. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    Elitest thread.... Simply ridiculous.

    Not saying be @ a 97 cr with 20 sp, but if you can fully spec into your role then you are good to go. As long as you know how to play your role and know general survivability skills (newer harder content) then that's more then enough for me. I'll judge a person by how they play in-game, not at the start when I need them to state all their stats.

    Edit: I'm not affraid to tell ppl my stats when asked, hell I'll take a pic if needed to prove lol.[/quote]

    There is so much wrong with this. I will take some one under geared with minimum skill points with skill.
    some one that knows how to block dodge move and watch around them through any raid in the game walk in or other wise than some one with the 97 cr gear and 100 skill points that does not know the role they are in any day. Cr does not make you a great player it simply means you have made it through the content or have modded or skipped your way to a higher cr.

    A geared dps/tank/troller/healer is no good to me if they are dead or i have to pick them up over and over. If i have to teach them the role they are playing during a raid regardless of cr and skill points they are useless to me . You can get skill points for all four roles of gear just by getting the suits doesnt make you a good healer troller tank or dps.

    You could say that this is elitist thats fine but im not about to slam my head up against a wall to teach some one with a high cr and tons of skill points how to play.
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  14. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    This should never happen but even moreso based on the content in this thread. I've seen players kicked from instances for having 100-110sp. I have to quote a friend of mine "when did everyone decide 100sp wasn't cool anymore?" While I'll admit I've seen way more 150+ so people since T5 release that it does raise an eyebrow but it's likely because they feel they have to lie to get in. Revealing such stats only worsens the issue.

    It's bad enough that people think you "Need" a certain amount of SP to do anything. I know SEVERAL CR99 145+SP Players that suck at this game so that point is invalid. "Oh he has 3 pieces of 87, he's good" -> Turns out to be the worst person in raid.
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  15. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    Fixed it for you! ;)
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  16. BLACK 718 New Player

    look at it like this if you think your good with 70sp at 140sp you should be a beast.... saying sp is not necessary is like saying using trinkets is not necessary .......the more the merrier stat wise......those who do not believe sp is necessary will see when they reach 125+sp... as a dps I personally feel 145sp should be the goal....
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  17. Whiteroom New Player

    Could just pop a soder or lockbox consumable and be better off than that extra 70sp. ..
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  18. thirty six Loyal Player

    I would never run with you anyways and I would add you to ignore, but I like rolling my eyes when you say stuff in trade chat :0)
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  19. SubArt New Player

    Now with all the feats available, an active player can obtain 100 SP's with little effort or focus. You gotta understand 100 SP's did use to be cool, like last year. Look at the feats that have came out since than. While I do think some may lie about 150+ SP's, I do know that many many players have over 150 now.
    For "required" skill points, well the crit's for each role make a HUGE difference. After that the more the better. SP's may not truly equal or reflect skill, but they do generally show a players time spent developing that toon, which usually time spent developing and learning a toon will make you a better player.
    True though I have known high CR/SP players that suck, and I have seen players outperform there CR/SP before.
  20. BLACK 718 New Player

    you should do that with the extra 70sp..... the more the better