Necropolis and Artifacts Raids 7 DPS 1 Troll

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Akroma, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Falco Committed Player

    I think the post you are referring to wasn't concerned about instances being nerfed, he's worried about OP mods and trinkets getting nerfed.

    To the OP; nice job on the run and even better job of bringing these problems to everyone's attention (dps stacking, op mods, over usage of replays, simple raid mechanics, roleless buffs, etc). Many of us have been voicing our worries over losing support roles. And while I doubt this thread does anything to get the devs to understand the importance of our concerns, keep these threads coming. Too many of us like this game too much to see it crapped away like this.
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  2. Akroma New Player


    not the cleanest run but it was a successful run lol.

    easier than necro because you still get the roleless buff in operation raids. that should probably be looked into...

    edit: atlernate links cant be found on my twitch page which can be found in my sig.
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  3. kav Committed Player

    Super-unrelated: ReyMafioso's microphone sounds like he is muffled and put into a tube, lol.

    Watching the videos: Looks painful. I mean sure to test the grounds but it'd be annoyed to die so many times.
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  4. Akroma New Player

    ive told him that many times already....

    and yes painful but fun. otherwise these raids can be a snore fest so this spices things up a bit.
  5. Red McCarthyism New Player

    I'm glad that you've shared this video. It proves that support roles are not necessary, however it also proves that excluding them isn't going to guarantee a more efficient, fast run.

    Either way congratulations on the run.
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  6. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

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  7. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Dafuq? Why are you mad? Its a funny achievement they did and why would one run with 7 dps 1 trol Necro in 25minutes when you can do it in less than 15 minutes with a tank and healer?
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  8. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    its one thing to run a raid with your league and everyone is a hardcore vet and as maxxed out as you can get.

    i'm not doubting there needs to be a little more challenge in the game but i also doubt that a pug group of 7 dps and one troll could do this...even well geared and experienced. i doubt many leagues could as well. at least not yet. this isnt a challenge to anyone reading. most forum regulars tend to be really good players n game. we forget theres an entire world filled with players who just dont have this level of ability.

    sadly the lowest common denominator is also the majority and content needs to be designed to keep these guys paying and playing.

    the new mainframe mods shouldhave been released with the next dlc.
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  9. chipzes Committed Player

    :( I would love to believe this, but actually you can look at history too: Vestments/Disciple/Scion gear made T5 trivial. T6 launched with AF1, a small group DLC with zero challenge. I am always hoping for challenge to return, but at this point I don't expect WotL2 being in any way hard for people with even AF1 gear, not even talking about Mainframe Boost 3. That one will be another small group DLC, with a raid though but introducing T6X plans for even more stat inflation.
  10. Tom Sawyer New Player

    I used to get worked up on trying to improve this game but truly no reason to care anymore. 1) I played this solely because it reminded me of phantasy star online but that magic was lost. 2) I like playing support roles but dc doesn't like me playing them so a lost there 3) this community is borderline addicted to any and all things damage. Eh

    Destiny''s here. My system started downloading it so.....destiny anyone? Need clan members
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  11. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    This is called cutting off your nose to spite your face. I'll just take my 3 trolls and go dps. Can see it now nerf supply drop and WHERE ARE THE TROLLS AND HEALZ? Sm is out!!!
  12. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    This is also how I feel. I will not troll for any group that contains more than 4 dps. 3 is really too many.
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    WotLp1 was actually a challenge at level. Of course full Rage gear trvialized it, but it was pretty much the only way to be able to do anything fast in AFp1. As CR100 was a little more difficult to handle it. Of course everyone can skip things in it, but that's a player issue and a design flaw.

    These raids came out and everyone was already full 106 to run them. Just like AnB, we were already overgeared when it came out. Feats like this can only be accomplished because of the gear, not the tactical mods and trinkets.
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  14. Biester New Player

    So you're saying we should calm down because only 2/3 of the new raids can be completed with 7 dps? What ****ing sense does that make? Let me restate that, 2/3 OF THE NEWEST END-GAME RAIDS CAN BE COMPLETED WITH ONLY ONE SUPPORT ROLE!!!!

    If you don't see a problem with this then I'm sorry to tell you that you should not be posting anything on the forums because this is a major problem. If this trend continues then 2/3 of all future content will be dps-oriented while 1/3 will involve support roles. Anything less than 100% of future content needing all roles in everything is unacceptable.

    If you're thinking that this is only an isolated incident then you are horribly mistaken. People mimic the things they see on the forums everyday and it won't be long before this becomes a common setup for these raids.

    It is people thinking the way you think that is the problem with the state of the game. Let me repeat once again, 2/3 of the supposed hardest and newest raids can be completed with a setup of 7/8 dps. This is how most people run the T2 raids but now they can do the T6 raids the same way. How is this not a problem? Devs have ****ed up horribly this time. Instead of constant dps revamps and catering, they should get some priorities straightened out and put support roles on the top of their list before us people who play support roles say **** this dps-oriented game.
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  15. realTREDD New Player

    fairly impressive beating necro/artifacts with no tank, i will be very impressed if you no tank LD...with lasers.
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  16. Ogat New Player

    But we were overgeared by design..They wanted us to gear up nd be strong for the raids, why would you do that if you plan to release pushover content. Morover the raids are absolutely no challenge at 100 cr too, they just take longer, longer doesnt mean they're challenging.
  17. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Yes, yes and yes.

    It's absolutely crazy how they thought this content would be enjoyable for people. Personally, I find it to be the most "meh" content in the game. It's not difficult, its mechanically dry, it has no real interesting visuals, the environment is bland and too Batcavey, the enemies are boring. The only reason this is my 3rd favorite DLC is because we actually got more than 1 raid in it and I despise anything that isnt 8 or 4 man content.

    They always try and say that they don't encourage DPS stacking, yet they roll out bosses that have millions of health and require 4+ DPSes in any run to burn them down in a reasonable amount of time. It's crazy.

    Forget about what the majority of the population is (DPS) and stop catering everything towards DPS I love DCUO so.
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  18. Mister Brees New Player

    So the devs screwed up because one group was able to beat the raids without roles? Maybe Akrooma can answer this but I would be willing to bet having done it, he wouldn't really want to run it that way again. I also would bet, considering the amount of pickups, you won't see many successful runs like that one.
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    You should try pugging the raids. Go out of your comfort zone and pug. There are a lot of people having problems with the raids and they fail. No matter how good you are, you can't carry 7 other people you don't know, don't speak any language you do, that are barely in the minimum anything for the instance.

    You are going to have to face it, these two raids are designed for a struggle based on the low end, not the high. You and your league can smash Lockdown! Great! My league can do it, we just got the survive so long before trapping them feat. Does it mean my entire league can smash it or a pug group? Or heck a group that is okay?

    I think you look at it through your circle and that jades your view.
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  20. Greenman_x Steadfast Player


    We'd be overgeared for this content at 95CR honestly. These raids are totally lacking difficulty and whatever difficulty there is, is a result of the bosses having so much health and you having to just not mess up.

    These raids are like a glorified practice session. As a DPS, I can do the same rotation and combos over and over and over again and complete them 99x out of 100, same goes with a healer hitting his burst heals, an Ice tank rotating his shields, and a controller keeping his POT up, but that one time I mess up it hurts the group. Thats what these raids are. A practice in you just not messing up for however long the boss fight goes on for.
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