up until these new raids, I was fairly confident in my ability as a rage tank. im at CR 107 ( 12k+ health, 11k+ def, 2500+ dom) and can handle the alerts and 4 player ops without ever going under half health. but going into necro (along with the other raids) I feel as though all my confidence is shot and I cant handle it. maybe im doing something wrong? maybe the group doesn't know what they are doing, but as a tank, I tend to take full responsibility. a couple of issues i encountered last night were: - at the first boss, I get that he will do a ground pound move, look around 3 times, and then walk towards the artifact in which you have to lunge at him to disrupt. but there are just some times where the whole group will lunge at him and he will just continue on his merry way. I was doing research and found someone's advice saying that the tank should not block, and should not attack him thus granting him immunity to lunging (which can make sense) but if I don't, I can see myself going down rather quick because he hits pretty hard. and I hate being a burden on the troll (which I should probably get out of my head) and I don't like to constantly spam powers (eventhough that's how rage tanks shine) . is there anything I SHOULD be doing? or SHOULDNT be doing? also for any other experienced rage tanks, what kind of loadout/rotation works best for these situations? im on the verge of just giving up and going to ice, which would suck for me personally because rage is what drew me into the game, but I feel if im going to succeed at my role, ice is the best way to go about it. again, this is all probably just the frustration and disappointment talking, but any help, tips, advice, or anything at all, is appreciated.
He successfully countered you giving him blue immunity so you couldn't interrupt his walk. In necro as a Rage tank I just stack health and attack. I rely on my group to keep him block broken so I don't get block countered, but I do not block unless I see the boss telegraphing something I can counter easily. As for loadout I run. Ragebringer, Severe Punishment, without mercy, e.chain, Ferocity, Ire.
How often do you block? Do you have the blocking Neck mod? As an Earth Tank I rarely had to block most of my tanking life until the new T6 Raids...now I block and quite frequently as well...I drop a power and block for 8 seconds, drop another power, etc...it works...you just have to be making sure first get the enemy to the correct corner so that your leage mates can do their job...
yes I have the mod I never really had to block until this new content. and that's what I would do, cast a power and block for a couple seconds then cast the next one. but I was told that if you are blocking and counter the boss, he can wake up with immunity so that you cannot lunge at him.
With the new bosses you just need to pin them int he wall and go at it with them...block when they start to use melee to knock them over than go apes on them..
i'll give it a try and see. stuff like this is what makes me really want to switch to Ice (aside from the fact that I love their visuals) only thing keeping me back sometimes if the fact that I love Rage DPS and I don't know much about Ice DPS. ughhhh...I know I cant be the only rage tank that feels this way!?
As an Earth tank...I love the new content...they hit for crap and when they do hit hard (you usually can tell it is coming)...blocking along with my damage absorption I barely take any damage... My weapon of choice as a tank is duel pistol...I use the WM combo into Duel Wield Spinning Fury right after I complete a pull move...it is great as it keeps my power up and I assist in damage...if you have a knock down move, even better....
Here's a tip I tell pugs. When u see the skull above him...don't be blocking.after that he starts his walk.so as long as ur not blocking at that time...u can lunge him right after that attack. For shadow..if u happen to get it applied... He will breath in...lunge him here also to stop that attack.
I have a rage tank I have tanked all 3 t6 raids successfully I use rage bringer severe punishment dreadful blast remorseful recovery galing eruption and ire and also a break out I case things get messy but I also spec into full dom with sp and mods because as rage you get 2/3 of your dom for health per add per power so I spam ragebringer a lot to make sure my health stays buffed and use my enrage mode clipped with remorseful recovery and the dreadful blast to cancel and pop enrage mode again clipped with galing eruption while remorseful recovery is cooling down while blocking some but I don't really like to block only when needed and I use ire in between just to keep my immune as well as my breakout trinket so I can be immune when I need to cancel it I hope this helps you let me know if you need help
If you are blocking when he does the ground pound you will give him blue "immunity" and the lunge will not work. Before he does the ground pound when you see the skull over his head DONT BLOCK then the lunge will work every time.
People need to realize that he can be countered and incorrectly countered by any member of the party and not just the tank (this includes NPC's). Even if you're spot on with your tanking someone else can give him immunity. Just "dummy" tank a boss (any boss), ie. keep him agro'd but just stand there and be his sparring dummy, then watch as your teammates either successfully or unsuccessfully counter him. This process will show you how common this occurrence actually is.
how big of a window is it between when the skull appears and when he starts the ground pound? in the corner im not always able to see whats going on -__-
Not big at all you have a couple seconds. You can ask someone in your group to call it out for you. Just try not to really block at all. You are rage so you shouldn't have to block against him with severe punishment up.
Try this loadout. Its my no block self heal loadout. Rage bringer, severe punishment ,violence combo'd to prec, remorseless recovery, without mercy and e chain. That gives me many options to heal w while remorseless recovery is running. 2 pulls that heal, a dot, when combo'd to prec, and a 3rd pull that heals while recovery is up. Also all prec numbers heal while recovery is up, so i use alot of melee attacks. No time to block, i'm healing.
hmmm..very inteteresting load out! I may have to look into this one for sure! have you used it in this particular situation? I know he hits pretty hard, but I never actually payed attention to how much damage he deals without me blocking.
Severe punishment, eviscerating chain, without mercy, ragebringer, ferocity, ire. The key is running with 2 immunities that you can cycle so you never rage crash. I block and attack the boss, just seems sometimes he is immune to lunge no matter what happens.. just pull him back in the corner after he absorbs the artifact to minimize damage.
you sir are rage why u blocking ? iam cr106 and i tank even lockdown without holding block ...( weapon combo cliped by a spell) * spam = win [/ no wm user / need good troll ] Necropolis Tactic : tank all bosses at entrance of area except for last boss on middle.